I supported tying wars to structures, but I think CCP did it badly and without thinking it through.
My proposal is that any corp, or any alliance can only do 3 aggressor concurrent wars at any point of time and that they can war dec any corp or alliance regardless of whether they have a structure or not. Would it be a good idea to limit this to 1 or 2?
However to do more wars in hisec, to a maximum of 10 concurrent wars, the entity will have to use a war HQ which can only be a medium structure. Because of the blanket nature of war deccing nullsec alliances we could also apply a rule that a war HQ is required to war dec nullsec sov holding alliances. This restriction does not apply to allying against them.
There is no limitation to how many wars can be applied to a defender, so for example everyone in the game could war dec a single entity if they wished subject to the caveat that with the limited number of wars, CCP then can then assess whether the reduction in complexity of possible conflict permutations can then allow them to enable allies to rep their ally in a war and act as a proper fleet. If a war creates such an issue then the war will be blocked from being applied. This is the most crucial part of the suggestion because we can only make wars fun if those that want to fight can fight effectively.
However the most simple and effective way to deal with this and enabling effective fleets for a defender and their allies (allowing them to have logistics without going criminal or suspect) is perhaps to use the fleet as the driver for this decision in that once an ally is in fleet with a defender than all their aggressors are at war with you while in fleet at the character level. I do believe that current aggression and conflict timers will enable the conflict to continue for the required time if some one drops fleet. Perhaps having a designated war fleet tick box that enables this type of linking?
To prevent forever wars a war can be renewed up to three times, with a doubling of cost each time. After that the war ends and they cannot be war decced by the aggressor for a week. This additional cost is not applied if there is a war HQ. This effect sticks at a player, so that if that player moves to another entity to continue the war than the war will not be able to be made, or would immediately be invalidated.
To make it balanced, a defender can only have 3 allies maximum and an ally entity can only ally in three wars unless they have a war HQ and can then ally in 10.
A character has the war follow them for 24 hours at an individual level, and all war restrictions follow them.
This would make wars more interesting, break up bigger war deccers and get back to smaller more focussed wars.
EDIT: This is being adjusted with feedback received.
NB. The suggestion to require a War HQ for nullsec sov owning alliances is based on the perception that this is a lot of accessible targets, I don’t necessarily agree with this, but would drop the number of wars without a war HQ to 1 or 2 and not have this restriction.
The biggest issue is whether this would open the doors to the same sort of veteran farming of new players that was so destructive to new player retention. I believe that the limited number of wars does give some protection on this, but of course the veteran farmers know how to get around mechanics. Hisec wars were a good way for people in hisec to settle disputes and to develop PvP skills and were effectively destroyed by larger farming groups running around in bling fits supported by massed logi, which is the case with the current system.