A Call To Action

It is an option. Assuming that the Triglavians left the cluster around the time of the Second Empire, which seems the most likely option, perhaps they want to come back? It would explain the amount of discussion regarding the various groups active in New Eden. Perhaps finding no trace of the Jove, other than the Drifters they think its safe.

It should be said that shots are already fired. Capsuleers keep invading Triglavian space, destroying their ships, killing their people. If after that you still expect some peaceful mission from Triglavians, you are beyond any help.

Whatever Triglavians will come to revenge, destroy or conquer, CONCORD will unleash capsuleers on them as it always does - by the promise of the profit, by the promise of the glory, by the words of loyalty and honor. Because capsuleers barely need a reason to fight.

You haven’t been following the whole “proving” thing have you? As far as we can tell, the Triglavians want us to fight them in the Abyss, in order to determine if we’re “worthy” or not. Although worthy for what exactly I can only speculate.

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What if they’re invaders who pretend to be refugees?

We’ll give them space, let them set themselves up …
… they wait a few years until we accept them and lower our guard …
… and then they strike.

Probably i missed something, but did it not turn from “trials” to massacre and plunder long ago?

Even a test to fight to death still not looks like a welcoming to peace.

Hey, I never said peace was likely, we’re just a bit starved for newcomers to New Eden who don’t hate everyone else’s guts, and the Triglavians are really the only potential candidate here. My message, at this point, can be summed up as such: “Do as you will, unless offered a bridge. Don’t you dare burn any bridges.”

If anything, pilot, they’ve been inviting us with that much more enthusiasm. We’re being lured in with promises of unique resources and blueprints if we succeed. They’ve also started daring us to fight each other, again with the offer of a prize to the winner.

It’s not clear why they’re so keen on this, but considering how much they’ve done on their own initiative to make the filaments more accessible, it is clear that they’re perfectly happy to see us.


For all we know, they still are. They may see whatever they’re preparing as downright neighborly of them.

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They collect intel. Test ships and pilots capabilities. Study.

Keeping to break into their space capsuleers gave Triglavians enough information to prepare their own invasion.

Your grammar could use some work, and while you’re not the first to voice that opinion, it’s fairly certain at this point that the Triglavians needed no help from Capsuleers to perform surveillance in New Eden.

It’s quite possible, my lord. If their “cladistic proving” is related, as seems likely, to the Caldari notion of life as a crucible, burning away weakness to strengthen the whole, they likely see tolerance for “perverse ideology” in our ranks as a weakness to be burned away.

In their eyes, doing such a thing is nothing but a kindness to us.

My worry is that they might not clearly understand why such ideologies are tolerated: (1) we actually come from a huge variety of backgrounds; (2) our paths expose us to both a wide variety of experiences and a lot of stress; and (3) under current rules it’s really hard to limit what an egger is allowed to say or think. Even killing us doesn’t change much.

If they understand how this actually works, their primary target will probably be CONCORD and the empires that support us, pressuring them with military force until they reform the laws governing us and bring us to heel. If they just keep killing in an undirected way assuming they’ll burn the weakness away it’s hard to see how it ends any time soon.

Of course, that’s assuming that they haven’t identified the core beliefs of one or more empires as “perverse ideology.”

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Well, they seem to have the concept of mass media down, so they can always hopefully send us a clarification. For all we know, they’re just stepping in to tend our gardens because we don’t seem to have the time. Sometimes, you just have to tell your nosy neighbor to mind his business and see how well they take the hint.

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Well-- additionally, my lord, most gardens don’t have immortal weeds.

But, yeah. We probably are going to have to speak their language in suggesting they mind their own business, which probably does mean a fight.

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Which might well be flirtatious to them for all we know.

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We already invaded them with a CONCORD fleet that has been also lost in that space. Considerating their different language, culture and lifestyle it’s obvious that you can’t expect a diplomatic response from them. If you want to do diplomatic encounters/attempt, you’re free to try it; this being would also like to help about that. But remember that shots have already been fired.

It seems to be a culture that approaches trial by combat as a prerequisite to giving help or resources even to each other, outside of emergencies like a Drifter invasion.

“This being” thinks firing shots is a lot of what passes for diplomacy in the Abyss.

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Sorry for being slightly off-topic, ask any die-hard gardener if they feel some weeds are immortal! :imp: mutters about crab grass and other sundries

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Just to remind you all, as friendly as possible: reports of a distinct cultural analysis of the Triglavians, any and all such reports, have been greatly exaggerated. There’s a lot of talk out there linking the Triglavians to a million different topics and groups and myths, but very few of those suggestions can even be reasonably assumed, none beyond reasonable doubt.

We have no well-informed idea how they feel about their “Proving”, or how exactly it fits into their culture. We certainly don’t know for certain how they feel about Capsuleers, either individually or in groups.

Jump to whatever conclusions you will, but remember that nothing is certain about the Triglavians. Relying on the wrong assumption could put you, and more, in danger.


The proving seems to go beyond just combat. It’s more akin to proving a hypothesis. ‘This might work, lets try it and see.’

The closest we can come to working out who they might be is ‘a group that were contemporaries of the Second Jovian Empire, and came into conflict with the Tyrants.’ There are a few possibilities but nothing we can confirm yet.

I would still certainly ask permission before I went rummaging around in your undergrowth, Directrix. I’m sure we could direct the Triglavians to some quality targets if they asked. We don’t want them unnecessarily plucking at the rosebuds.