It’s pretty sad where my best ships for projectiles are amarr neut warefare boats that benefit from the zero cap usage while doing damage.
Nothing new there. There are only a few fits of mine that actually seriously consider medium auto-cannon worth slotting. And its more for a weapon system in a turret slot that doesn’t eat capacitor with low requirements than anything else. Some Gallente ships in particular, some Amarran ones… though those Amarr ones sometimes make more sense to pack along some T2 rockets or HAMs in certain configurations. So yeah, two-rep Myrm with ACs and nos as a bait for example.
Otherwise you just look at your requirements between turrets and rest of ship to see if pulse lasers or arty is more appropriate given how damage on those works. Auto-cannon are just in a weird place especially on the medium size ones.
Blah blah blah…
Comparable dps ?
Caracal versus stabber. Stabber 3 gyros, 520 dps without heat, caracal dies always because the reload of the light missiles. I’m talking from the experience not like your teoretical ■■■■■■■■. Your 70km range doesn’t matter beacuse the stabber can reach speeds of 2800m/s, and the reload of the caracal takes 45 secs. Caracal dies always.
Rifter 1 gyro, dps: 180 heated with hail 160 with faction, 7.5km fallof and 10km fallof. I’m bored of killing 2 ble web kestrels 400m plated, which pull range of the rifter pretty slow, enough slow to die, thanks to the fallof bonus of the rifter.
Caracal can be fit with something other than rlml you know…
no it can’t.
all caracals are pre tested with RHML when exiting factory, the issue is that it fits them so well they can’t be unsolded.
I don’t understand why people still use RHML and RLML after they were nerfed a few years ago. They have a tiny clip size, which faction launchers only improve on by 1 extra missile, and take around 35-40 seconds to reload. It is nerfed to unusability. That is ridiculous. I would rather fit a different launcher.
CCP should increase the clip size back to where it was previously, and then balance it by increasing the fitting requirements to a similar level as cruise launchers.
Because they are still good due to their ability to apply dps.
The nerfs were needed to balance them out. They were too too good before. Now they are a choice amongst others.
Because they are great at knocking smaller sized ships. RLML rocks vs frigs and dessies (and is dangerous vs cruisers that don’t have enough reps/buffer to survive through the clip), while RHML is a nightmare for cruisers and attack battlecruisers (while still being able to deal with dessies). They have their use. But they are not the only option.
I still regularly use RLML Caracals in fleet combat, and most alliances have them as their main T1 Cruiser doctrine, as RLMLs are widely considered a solid Anti-Cruiser Cruiser weapon, with the upside of being able to easily deal with any tackle allowing you to kite with the fleet w/o risk of being held down by an AF/Dictor.
Ok, I think I can understand why RLML are used on cruisers, but I would still prefer HAM launchers on a battleship over the RHML.
I think you mean Cruises/Torps - But I get the point. I generally wouldn’t use RHMLs on a BS but that’s more because Heavy Missiles in general are a bit ass than the mechanics of Rapid Launchers in general being bad, I think they’re a super unique addition to the game
Id be fine with rapid’s in general if the missiles traveled a bit slower, when an Orthrus is spitting these thing’s out over 10k/s no inti is able to tank even a single batch in order to hold an Orthrus down, maybe the problem is the orthrus’s missile speed bonus combined with perfectly accurate missiles that can track inti’s fine.
Because it deletes frigates and destroyers without question or compromise. They still work against other cruisers in small gang engagement because focus fire is a thing.
I always choose artillery over auto cannons. For one, artillery comes in larger sizes, and I just plain like saying that I have 1400mm+ cannons on my ship.
On the more serious side, I find that artillery, without question, are longer distance weapons. A larger shell at longer effective distances is a more powerful weapon, plain truth. They are also more effective at destroying structures from a distance.
We cannot do without the 1400mm artillery. It is the meat and potatoes of standard survival and mission compleation in all of space. Everyone needs a 1400mm artillery in their quiver.
Plus I haven’t seen anyone mention the horrific toll that autocannons have on shielding. (If someone already covered this, sorry I missed it.) These guns will completely negate your shielding! To zero!
Humm, shoot I am confused now, maybe it’s Blasters that do that. Damm, I wish I was at my computer! Sorry for this I have forgotten which guns zap your shields. I will find out tonight when I get home.
it’s polarized guns that make your resists 0
Ah yes! Thank you! That does ring a bell. Oh well, must be losing it.
so in short, all other turrets have taken the best spots regarding their gimmicks. Autocannons dont really have a strong point for combat outside of having a less drastic decrease in damage due to higher Falloff.
have we considered Ammunition playing a role in this case? i dunno whenever i see a thread regarding these kind of stuff it seems the ammo isnt taken in account most of the time, just the module. perhaps these should have played a higher role when balancing the different turret types? i mean something like:
-Frequency Crystals -> highest shield damage, lower than average armor and hull damage
-Hybrid Charges -> lower than average shield damage, average armor and hull damage
-Exotic Plasma -> higher than average shield damage, highest armor and hull damage
-Projectile Ammo -> average shield damage, higher than average armor and hull damage.
then once you refactor how much each ammunition does against certain tanking types you apply everything else like Damage Modifier on the modules themselves.
perhaps even if you dont take the ammunition thing above Projectile Turrets could have the best base damage on their ammunition so it compensate for lack of Damage modifier on the module (may require nerfing Artilleries but it could bring autocannons up enough to be on toes with the others slightly)
Drastically raise the chance of a wrecking shot. From what i understand the lore projectiles are the only ones with a solid body as its “main damage”. Thus the possibility of more wrecking shots rising as the fight goes on and more and more holes are stomped into the hull.
Change either one set or create a new ammo which is capable of “ignoring” shields thus projecting X% of its damage directly onto the armor followed by hull. The % should not be high enough to end shield ships 1v1 by killing off their armor while the shield tanks fine but it should be noticeable. The real effect would ideally not change solo or small scale warfare a lot but it should very well influence medium to large scale fleet engagements and potentially shake up the null meta into a new direction.
kinetic missiles, hybrid also use matter as the main damage.
Also “wrecking” shots are just a chance to hit for 300% damage. If you have more than 1% chance to hit it’s 1% chance to do a critical damage, 99% chance to hit normally (or not). raising this 1% chance to higher would be just the same as an increase in DPS. I’ve made a spreadsheet here
As you can see if the crit chance goes from 1% to 10% it basically adds 22 pctpt to the damage for all hit chance that are not crit.
the formula of damage on hit chance is (with d the damage, h the hit chance base 1, c the crit chance base 1 ):
- if hit chance is below crit chance, then all hits are crits so d = h * 3 (all hits are 300% damage)
- if hit chance is above crit chance, we split in crit and non crit :
- crit chance is c, damage from crit is c*3
- non crit damage is integr(x=c, x<=h)(0.5+x dx) = 0.5 * (h-c) + h²/2 -c²/2
- total damage is the sum so 3c + 0.5*(h-c) +h²/2-c²/2
I agree with this analysis of a wrecking shot, on the whole. However, wrecking shot damage is applied as Alpha, which changes its value in PvP so as not to be perfectly captured as DPS.