Yes, thirdly, about the sweeps… Well, the news mentioned nothing about repercussions, so I suppose they didn’t need to break out the notepads this time.
Let’s hold off on declaring that until they finish the sweeps. I’ve a feeling these will be ongoing for a bit as they look for pretexts.
Breaks glass in a glass shop. Gets offended when they are asked to pay for the damages.
This is literally what you all sounds like.
Yes, yes, mass murder is fine as long as it’s your guys doing it, we got it the first dozen times you tried to justify this crap.
As Elsebeth said, people turning up dead with Thukker notepads next to their corpses. This is going to be used as a pretext for removing any undesirables, regardless of their actual guilt.
For my part, I protest strongly at Planetary Security taking scare tactic actions against my kin over my words.
My clan is nothing but upstanding citizens of Mikramurka; they have no interest in politics outside tribal lands in Mikramurka; they have nothing to do with my actions off-planet nor with those of my husband’s.
You already killed our clan Chief by letting through a Deathglow attack. Four of our unmarked youth suffered unspeakable horrors in the hands of Blood Raiders. Don’t you think that if you could shut me up by these threats and terror, it would have happened already?
We have Sarum knocking down our doors, taking our kin from Floseswin and around. Am I really the enemy you should be concentrating on? Are you really calling on me to fight you?
Elsebeth Shaninn
Independent Capsuleer
It was not only our home world, but the homeland of the Sebiestor tribe that was attacked. We’re the ones who dealt with the fallout. We don’t need a Brutor, and one who was very recently a member of an Amarr loyalist alliance, to remind us of that.
And if I’m a ‘renegade’ for speaking out against corruption, then fine. I’ll take it.
But I would like to point out, from experience, that once you start conducting “sweeps” against people who have written satire (as Teinyhr did) or suggested alternate ideas (as I and a couple others did), you start looking a hell of a lot like the Empire you claim to oppose.
I have more to say, but I have my hands full at the moment. I’ll be back later.
After careful consideration, I have come to the realization that despite my efforts, and despite the significant number–maybe even majority–of people who also want peace, the powers that shape this cluster have deemed war and death to be the order of the day, and nothing I can do will stop it. All I can do is staunch the blood loss.
I have decided to step back from this conflict as well as the developing tragedy in the warzone. Additionally, I relayed my concerns up the chain of command to my clan chief, Tiama, and to the leadership of my Circle, both of which accepted my recommendation to stand down.
Efrit and his ilk will claim victory and call me a coward for this decision, but quite frankly, I don’t care. I’m tired of screaming into a void. Some of you characterize me as being angry, but you know what I really am? I’m depressed. I’m watching the Republic I love send itself into a tailspin, and in the end, I’m powerless to help them, not because there are no options for me to help, but because they don’t want it. This is fine for them, even if it’s hell for their citizens.
Don’t think I’m completely out, though–I’m just resetting myself. I’ll be back after the warzone mess dies down. Which is to say, whenever our respective governments decide they’ve had their fill of civilian blood.
Corovid Industries has shifted into emergency rescue and recovery mode, again. Any requests for aid should be directed to @Shorai_Aikyoraan Ramijozana in Molden Heath.
Clan Ramijozana has increased our security protocols and set up continuous patrols until the threat of the “security sweeps” passes. We will not attack, but we will defend our lands if necessary.
I’m sorry that the government that’s supposed to protect our people would rather threaten loyal capsuleers than shield the Matari lives at risk in the warzone. My heart is broken.

I have come to the realization that despite my efforts, and despite the significant number–maybe even majority–of people who also want peace, the powers that shape this cluster have deemed war and death to be the order of the day, and nothing I can do will stop it.
This. This is what I have been trying to say.

Additionally, I relayed my concerns up the chain of command to my clan chief, Tiama, and to the leadership of my Circle, both of which accepted my recommendation to stand down. Efrit and his ilk will claim victory and call me a coward for this decision, but quite frankly, I don’t care.
Don’t give a ■■■■ what Efrit things, but no, whatever you are, you are not a coward for that.
I have taken a different path, but is not one I would ever recommend to anyone with kin to protect.

Honestly, how did you think this would have turned out?
I would have hoped words, actions, answering seriously to the raised concerns?
Basically this is lacking since months, with concerns being dismissed as minor, not serious, raising tensions between the tribes… Or whatever pretense is available.
Let’s be honest, you don’t expect most capsuleers to behave in a responsible way, and with a good touch in politics. Now, to have that behavior in government officials… The “radical Gallentean anarchist terror” from Kril Efrit is just ridiculous .
That trend to push issues, concerns, under the rug does just make the shape of it more visible and raises more questions.

It was not only our home world, but the homeland of the Sebiestor tribe that was attacked. We’re the ones who dealt with the fallout. We don’t need a Brutor, and one who was very recently a member of an Amarr loyalist alliance, to remind us of that.
I like to give weight the words on the ideas they are carrying, not on the one person bringing them. Here I find it difficult.
I don’t feel myself in that “we” and I don’t see why a brutor couldn’t speak of what happened on Pator. Nor why Sebestiors alone would do so.
On a lighter note, who knows? Maybe Mr Aloga’s presence among the Aegis Militia has made anew some said inclination of the Cardinal Graelyn for a strong brutor heart beating in pace with his own? Who would you be to judge that?

I don’t feel myself in that “we” and I don’t see why a brutor couldn’t speak of what happened on Pator. Nor why Sebestiors alone would do so.
Context: Mr. Aloga made that comment as a response to certain capsuleers here being implied as ‘renegades’, of which Melisma was one. She didn’t say Brutors couldn’t speak about the Mikramurka attack. She said that he was wrong to bring it up as part of an attack against capsuleers who were there and experienced it.
I’m being pedantic here, but the name of the system is Pator. The name of the planet is Pator IV, or Matar.

Who would you be to judge that?
Would you be any better?
The point that I was trying to make is that our nation is facing several foreign, existential threats. The LAST thing we need is to start a fire in our own backyard, because while this thread may have been made in satire, Republic authorities are in a sitiuation where they have to consider any and all threats, and quite frankly, they are right to do so.
The Tribes need to be unified if we hope to survive the coming dangers.

Mr Aloga’s

Mr. Aloga
Please, Cain is alright. While Aloga is my family name, it is also my Clan Name (Internal quirk), and I’d rather they not be referred to here.

The Tribes need to be unified if we hope to survive the coming dangers.
And ‘security sweeps’ being announced by a guy who’s openly proud of the part he played in mass-murder without due process of Minmatar public servants isn’t exactly fostering that unity.
We’ve argued over the purge to death and back, and while its clear that we won’t agree on the topic, I strongly feel that continueing to argue it, at least in an open forum such as the IGS is counter productive.
We need to move forward and look to our future, which this thread does not do.
If you want to continue fighting over the purge, fine. Name the place and I’ll fly there myself. I’ll even bring the whiskey.
I’m just saying that telling people ‘shut up, we need to be unified’ in the face of mass-murderers threatening their families… that’s not gonna work.

The Tribes need to be unified if we hope to survive the coming dangers.
Indeed. I have argued much the same in the recent past. Indeed, I am not blaming any single Tribe for anything. However, I would feel much safer fighting for my Republic if I didn’t have to worry about being “rewarded” for not swallowing Elder propaganda whole with actual violent domestic terrorism then implied to be directed at my family or my clan. Or indeed anyone else’s Tribe, Clan or family should not have to worry about such.

The LAST thing we need is to start a fire in our own backyard
While I agree with this principle, I have to point out that the situation is more like there already is a fire, the fire trucks aren’t coming, and now armed men are approaching the front gate. If we let it just burn, will there be anything left of the mansion when the defense is over?
Don’t we have bigger issues to tackle? They would be idiotic to focus on our own while we are under threat from the Amarr. They would be stupid to start such a thing with the current events as they are. They can settle this later, we have a darkness to impeed.

They can settle this later, we have a darkness to impeed.