A story of customer oriented design gone wrong

More lies…The thread was against the 5 corps create 50% of the wardec changes…

Once again, Drac needs to lie…

I guess Mr.Run-and-hide means this thread actually…

I guess he remembered it because once again, I railed against carebears…he’s sensitive like that…

THERE you nailed it. The only difference here is I’m not whining about a buff/nerf but pointing at the chronic complainer to anything that threatens his HS ISK ernings…

TBH I don’t care about the buff/nerf debates as ANYONE will tell you that gankers will just use more or less ships…it doesn’t matter as you put it. The only thing that changes is the whiners whine louder, hence Mr.Blockypants…

Probably one of the most naïve things I have read recently.

As if you can just turn a game like EVE into a Care Bear Merry Go Round overnight. You can’t, EVE will never compete with those games.

All this would accomplish is the alienating of existing customers and all those bears would still consider EVE a spreadsheet game.

UO tried this with Trammel, and they are now gone.
TSW allowed the developers to convince them the MMO would be better as a shooter, gone.

Changing a game into a different game for a different audience is a fools errand.


Shut up Balos.

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That’s Balos for you. He is back again with another puppet account.

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First, UO is alive and 21… yet not because of PvP

Second, CCP already had that people onboard. Then they decided to cut off any development that could keep those people interested with the game.

At every turn taken since Incarnageddon, CCP had to choose whether to appeal to a wider or narrower demographic, and chose the narrower one since they were active, and happy, and vocal, and cool. Instead of developing underdeveloped aspects of the game, CCP essentially led a way that turned to be POSes again + Apochrypha again (abysmal sites and Triglavian are what wormholes and T3 were supposed to be until players outsmarted developers) + Incursion again (literally).

I don’t know what could have happened if CCP had spent resources on people like me, but I know for sure that we were a lot of people and in a EVE with us onboard, F2P, selling SP and the other increasingly desperate attemtps to monetize what’s left of EVE wouldn’t have been necessary.

And all it took was adding new missions, adding cosmethic structures and figuring a way to make NPC interaction interesting and valuable for solo highseccers, amounting to maybe 25% of the effort wasted with the Rubicon Plan.

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On the contrary, what ccp did was not only ignore satisfied customers, they’ve spent 7 years sacrificing core philophies whilst looking for ways to make casuals loyal, but you can’t, they are casual.

To use your anology, they stopped providing the training program that worked and made it so only the advanved training program was available.


I semi-sorta-agree with what Daichi is saying here (mark it on your calendar!), even though I know he has a different take on it than I do.

I do believe that CCP has stopped offering the best EVE experience and has consistently been moving towards an EVE experience that CCP and EVE is not good at.

PvE is fine in a game, lots of games are built on it and are successful. PvE can be a useful resource even in EVE, if properly done. However PvE cannot be the direction of EVE because the engine/mechanics of the game simply do not support an engaging PvE environment.

What CCP has been lacking is any real understanding of why players play EVE, and how to both support the actual interesting gameplay of EVE while simultaneously introducing a steady stream of new players into EVE and giving them a reasonable progression path to achieve the interesting portions of the game.

That balance is quite tricky btw, so I don’t fault CCP for not achieving it. The problem is that the ‘background environment’ of EVE, in a sense, is of an exploitative, mercenary, the strong devour the weak, the weak shall perish type setting. And every new player is weak.

EVE did better when we were all various degrees of ‘weak and less weak and not so weak’. When the playing field was not ridiculously tilted in favor of those who had a 10 year head start.

I don’t fault CCP for not getting the balance right. I do fault them for the fact that they are for the most part, not even trying. Or doing a sloppy, misdirected, poorly designed effort when they do try.


The casual hisec mining players I came across in 2009 and 2010 were really loyal to Eve. What’s more they were simple easy to please customers because all they wanted to do was chew rocks and make slow steady progress. Maybe spending a couple of hours a day just chilling.

So in the context of what Daichi said a game like this take a long time to play, if you want to be hard to kill you apply patience, most people are casual in terms of this so they take risks that makes them easy prey. The context is that the hisec miners I talked about were not casual about Eve, but their play style was. Just to make it clear what I mean by casual solo players.


I had been a casual solo for years, mostly living in high sec but spending more in low. I had arrived at the point where I wanted to seriously commit to a game for very long term, get into all the aspects and EvE was perfect in most ways for its breadth of content, setting, story and player oriented gameplay. I had one problem though, my main’s name I could not stand becasue it conjured bad memories whenever I had to look at it. I was fully aware of the obstinate stance the community had on name changes and that it was not a service offered, however I pretty much begged via ticket for them to grant me a change anyways if only to keep me as a customer. No joy. So after that I was fed up and refused to reroll a 50m SP avatar to just change my name. Even a few month later they introduced SP injectors and a name change was possible after a fashion, although at a cost of $500+ USD. I could have afforded it, but I was not about to waste that on something any other game offers for $10-$20 and I had already moved on. I did find a game though, in BDO, which I have been happily spending a good $100-$200 every month and will continue to do so until the game shuts or I die IRL. I suppose it is a bit poetic that PA ends up buying CPP because it is simply a better run game with a company not weighed down by its own moronic community and actually able to achieve great commercial success. Being Koreans they can ignore most the idiot demands players make on them and just focus on making a good game. I do like Eve as a game though, it is fantastic setting, and perhaps I will come back and sub for a few months some day, but that is a few months of subscription versus the multiple tens of thousands I would have been spending over time had this games community not been working against its own interests. There is nothing they could ever do to regain me as a primary customer though, that ship has sailed. o7

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Like players that want to change their name?

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“Hardcore solo casual”

I love that description so much.

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I am also a casual hardcore miner solo casual pvp’er casual…

I’m an intensely laid-back person in general.

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If you’re going to call a community ‘moronic’ and ‘working against its own interests’, you should probably consider the facts.

  • CCP makes the rules here, not the community.
  • CCP implemented the decision on name changes long before ‘the community’ voiced any opinions on it.
  • Many members of ‘the community’ have asked for name change functions/tokens/purchases. The fact that CCP sides with the ‘no changes, you are stuck with your choices in EVE’ is on CCP, not the players.
  • The community in BDO is the same as the community in EVE… made up of tens of thousands of people of all types.
  • You could probably have instituted a character trade through the character bazaar with someone else for a similar character, either by accepting some fewer SP or tossing some bling into the deal. This is a perfectly valid option you apparently didn’t explore.
  • CCP doesn’t care if they have you as a primary customer, since they are owned by PA and PA already has your gaming dollars.

Next time you encounter a game that suits you as well as you say EVE does, try exploring your options a little more thoroughly and try a little less of being incorrect, pointing fingers in the wrong direction, and being foolishly insulting about it to boot.

If I behaved like that on a regular basis, I guess I’d be ashamed of my name too.


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