By now, most people should have read at least one news article where the Equilibrium of Mankind have been named as the perpetrators of the recent attacks across much of civilised space, and that Ocilan Ardishapur is the apparent leader, and mastermind of this scheme.
Inevitably, when these kinds of things happen, you get a flurry of people wishing to support the schemes of the maniac de jour, as the Gallente would say, whether that be Tibus Heth, Omir Sarikusa, Sansha Kuvakei, or Zorya Triglav. Needless to say, this is a bad idea.
However in the case of the EoM and Ocilan Ardishapur, then, this is a doubly bad idea.
Assuming that it is indeed Ocilan Ardishapur himself, through whatever technosorcery has allowed him to live for more than 2000 years. Cryosleep perhaps, or cloning, or some malarkey. Anyway, that’s not the important thing right now. What is important, is that if this is Ocilan himself, then… his theology originates from a time in Amarr history where the only living humans known to them, all came from Amarr Prime.
The Equilibrium was first purged in 21310 AD, and it was well over a century later that the Explorator Corps discovered the Ealurians, the first humans found by the Amarr outside of Amarr Prime.
This is important.
Anyone who is not a Khanid or True Amarr, who thinks the Equilibrium might welcome their services are seriously deluded. To them, anyone who is neither Khanid nor True Amarr, is little more than a talking animal.
They. Hate. You.
At best, they might consider you a useful tool for a while. But you will never be considered a true believer.
Thus, if you are a Ni-Kunni, Minmatar, Gallente, or Caldari, the only thing you should ponder about the Equilibrium, is the damage profile of your preferred ship weaponry. Do not talk to them, do not listen to them. Only shoot them.
And if you are Amarr or Khanid, you should still do the same thing. For the Equilibrium are heretics and blasphemers of the absolute worst kind.
Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
May God and the Imperial Navy annihilate the Equilibrium. Amen.