Nothing happens in many cases which is one reason why mass war deccing is a viable strategy.
My problem is that many proposals/discussions are…well…shallow. For example, mass war deccing. Why is it a viable strategy? Note, BTW, I am using the word viable…not desirable. Probably because it is a way to get “content” with less effort. And why is that? Because avoiding war decs, especially now, is ridiculously easy. If you live in HS and simply do not want to fight at all, make a player channel, invite your buddies and drop to NPC corps until the dec expires. If you don’t want to do that, just avoid the trade lanes/hubs. Develop one or more of your account slots to be your OOC hauler(s). That is what NS entities do. They almost entirely side step the issue of war decs by using OOC alts. So from an organization standpoint war decs mean little. So given this, dec lots of corps and hopefully you’ll get some action.
Then people conclude: this activity these other guys are doing over there…yeah I don’t like it so it must stop. Usually there is an ulterior motive in that that activity entails conflict with those who do not like the “bad” activity. Further, they rarely think of the broader or longer term consequences. Suppose we simply hard cap war decs to say 5. That’s it, no entity no matter how big, small, whatever can have more than 5 war decs. What would happen? Well, those guys logging in that are in mass war dec corps…they’d probably stop. HS would probably be safer…and more boring and stultifying. The downward trend in PCU, which appears to have leveled off, might continue it’s downward trajectory.
Or to put it more simply: Okay, so we get rid of mass war decs. Then what?