About wardeckers in High Sec and solution

They don’t. Anything the agressors can do, the defenders can do.

The defenders also can have totally free allies in the war, which attackers can’t.

As a defender, that’s great. We never use it, but it certainly is an advantage for us that attackers don’t have, if we wanted to use it.

Other then that, the mechanics are all the same for both sides. Balance like you want. I totally agree with you. Keep it all balanced.

Sooooo… what you’re saying is what I said in the very first reply in this topic. Make a vast majority of Highsec into Lowsec! Increases risk to war-decers, increases risk to defenders, everybody wins!

Glad we’ve solved this… NEEEXT!

See OP. Another one on the agreeing train.

We should build a campfire and sing songs now.

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Here we go again another hungry asshole trying to neutralize this thread cause hes actually scared he will have to work for a living and that people hopefully realizes which most in game already do that this is actually an issue in this game

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Well I do work for a living, but I thought we were talking EVE here.

My killboard speaks for itself in terms of where I mainly play.

All I’m doing is agreeing with you. Totally. Whatever you want. Let’s do it; and just like you say, keep it balanced. What happens to one side, happens to the other.


On a more serious note though, no I’m not trying to neutralise your thread. You’ve been trolling the whole way through and all you want to do is destroy the game for other people, including defenders in wardecs like myself, that don’t want the game to be made easier for us, just because you think someone’s playstyle is wrong. If you have a right to your playstyle, then other people have an equal right to theirs. That includes those of us that don’t want EVE-Easy. Make the game harder all around, including for defenders if you are going to make it harder for attackers. Stop proposing to destoy my game, just because of your bias.

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Finally some true words and intentions are spoken

So then a security loss and extra payment will not be a biggie issue since war decking has become a farce for people trying to show up how big their assholes really are. Like i said i have no issues with pvp in Highsec at all just that people have find a cheap mechanic and excuse to do it without any sweat.

Well guess i have to redo my statements since it seems you where to lazy to actually read thru what actually has been written and haven’t give a single thought about it except your own goals

So you agree that its reasonable and realistic to just roam around in High sec killing a lot of people and factions dont have any repercussions or thoughts about it for cheap 500 mill covering every faction including Concord so they look the other way ?

When gankers and thieves cant ?

That you’ve been trolling right through? Glad you agree with me on that.

Aside from that, what I believe is all written above.

I agree with you. Make these changes, no problem and just like you say, keep it balanced. Even for both sides, so both sides have the same mechanics.

I totally agree with you. Problem solved now?

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Trolling no just trying to get thru a cesspool of trollers that are afraid that their schemes will actually be addressed in a proper way and try to fight for justice to make it a better and accurate game

Accurate? How accurately can we know the future in 20,000 odd years?

Maybe a better approach is just, if you are going to mine in highsec in a barge during a wardec, ask you Corp CEO for some advice on how to stay safe.


if you’re referring to my barge loss it was nothing ^^ i produce em everyday in numbers and was essential to bait out some neut spies operating… so for me it was non loss but a bigger win in the end :slight_smile: But its fun having these replies of low arguments trying to trigger with some dank kills as an excuse when you cant really put an explination why factions are letting terrorists operating on their own territories so easy

Yeah sure.

Get killed in a war. Start thread.

Totally coincidence.

They are as much terrorists as you are honest. Not at all in case you are wondering.

But as for why are wars allowed, because CCP designed it that way and it isn’t going to change.

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OP, I think the problem here is that you don’t see that wardecs are not only used by Merc corps but also by normal everyday capsuleers if they have to fight out a grudge or some other guy disrupting their gameplay.

For example me. I’m a Highsec ganker, I don’t need wardecs. I kill mining ships before CONCORD is able to respond. Now I have some amount of support characters to accomplish this and since we are in Highsec they can’t be attacked freely without CONCORD response.

So from time to time they get wardeced by some local heroes who want to protect the miners. So here is how this is currently stacked:

“The gud guys who want to defend dem miners”:

  • Have to pay 50mil ISK per week for the wardec.
  • Can now attack everyone in my corp freely

“Me, evil gank support”:

  • Can now attack everyone in their corp freely
  • Can bring in all my friends to the wardec for free. They can just join with their corp and kill them off after only 4h.
  • Can just recycle the corp at any moment and end the wardec.
  • If the war goes well I can make it mutual and lock this poor souls in the war forever for free or until they abandon their corp or meet my insane demands.

Now you want to add some more bullet points to the list which would tip the balance more in my favour in those cases? Do you really think those wardecs would even happen if they would add NPC responses and docking restrictions?

You know what actually would happen? It is pretty obvious. The thing that always happens if you raise the bar of such a feature. Big alliances specialized in this will be able to adapt, since you actually need a lot of people and organisation to adapt and still use wardecs. Unorganized people like the common Highsec corp will completely lose access to the wardec tool.

And then it will obviously start over and some other guy will be back on the forums crying about another nerf because he thinks wardecs are unbalanced and surely more obstacles for the aggressor will fix it this time.

I think everyone agrees that wardecs need an overhaul and there are many threads on the old forums with pretty good ideas how this could be done. Yours will only lead to less wars and therefore less content for everyone. Lets not forget that shooting spaceships and conflict is the main content of EVE and everything that increases conflict is good for the game.


Exactly my point as you stated you have now the opportunity as a ganker to by pass what laws you’re actually are breaking in the eyes of the factions for dank 500 mill at most. And yes let em form bigger alliances and have to work for their trade.

Gankers will still be around and that i can respect as long as they have to pay for their acts as criminals. And no there will not be lesser wars and content if you’re really are reaching for that card, cause it will also open up a gate for people that really want to help these new guys out or respectable people in high sec and also players that wants to go in to the role as criminal hunters.

If a corporation wants to go in to war against another -0.3 to -0.5 sec status per war/week wont do em any harm at all

So if the terrorists are able to adapt then it shouldn’t be a problem i see here. The only thing i read from replies and see here is people that are afraid to work harder for something that is so easy now and should be seen as illegal

How ever its good that some pirates for a change has given some good input on the matter and at least tries to repeat same excuses. Well if they want to specialize in it and forms up for it, well let em. Better that and to have a lot of spread out terror all over for peanuts fee constantly attacking everyone. As long as the principles are there i would be fine about it

But the thing is here that CCP i think is found of this that actually is going on atm and has´nt changed it, is because people are loosing isk from both sides because of it and makes it sustainable with lesser fee. How ever they are also driving other players out from the game since they become fed up from the toxic bull… that it brings. And of course there should be danger in High sec but not in this cheap way

You did not understand a single thing I wrote


That i did and was a repeating thing the other guys tried to put in as an excuse, even if i do respect your trade as a ganker and that you also put it clear that the Wardeckers has the upper hand in this issue and must be sorted in some way

Personally i think its better they go for the bigger organization thing rather then having a lot of shitheads mopping around like muppets and no law to give em repercussions for their devious acts

I removed some inappropriate comments in this thread. Remember that discussions of real-life politics are now allowed on these forums.


Ok good to know

Well good news for all you bullies out there…4 “new” omega players quieted this week (that would had continued if it wasent for these bullies…this cause CCP has just chooses to ignore it and there will be more to come

So mission complete all your Terrorists out there since i can see that its exactly what you want in local chat. Well separates the weakest from the strong mentality i guess

Just wanted to congratulate you all for an excellent job doing your job well :smiley:
And yeah i maby lost some good friends but hey there will always be more right :slight_smile:

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Seems to me, if there were 4 new players that were caught up in a war and didn’t know what to do, the real terrorist (lol at the though of that stupid label at all) is their CEO.

Go sort their CEO out because he deserves a good kicking for taking advantage of new players like that.

But good to see you still teary in this thread.

Nope they where “new players” that was caught up in war after war after war weeks after weeks. So well they grew tired of it. And no was´nt the CEOs fault, all have their orders and scouts but they had not being able to do anything since wardeckers can just hide everywhere and attack whenever their neut spies sees the opportunity for soft targets and if someone goes after them they just log off or go play with their other alt and go somewhere else they have war decked…

But good to see you’re still interested :slight_smile: And actually im still lauhing at such cowards these guys really are…they boast a lot in local when they have killed a venture but when someone goes one on one at em they run…But what can you expect from low rang hyenas

And for the record for those who is saying they shouldn’t be in a player corp…Well were teaching em way more things and make em feel more part of the content then the in game could, so do not give me that kind of gibberish