Activity Tracker broken, still

Are there any plans to actually ever fix it? The idea of it is great and it provides a quasi-achievement tracker to the game, but how often it breaks is just annoying, especially with how long of an issue it has been. The worst part is that the disconnect isn’t even in the game tracking stuff – for instance, the classic map tracks how many jumps you’ve made perfectly fine throughout EVE, but the information never makes it to the activity tracker which can be stuck on some arbitrary number its decided to break on.

bumped this into General Issues - EVE Online Forums

It would be good to make sure you’ve reported via F12 → Bug Report from inside the game client when you observe it getting stuck.

Oh for heaven’s sake, it has been broken for years (especially the mining tracking) and reported for years both via bugs and in these fora. It would be nice if CCP employees might tell us whether they ever intend to fix it. My guess, however, is that just like Cosmos missions, having broken the beast they are just walking away and hoping no one is so impolite as to point it out…

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