You can check your logfiles. I don’t delete them, so I can easily count all jumps.
Yes, it was pretty much useless because it just didn’t track many of the items which it claimed to track and so won’t be missed by me.
If the various notifications bothered you you could have simply turned them off as I did ages ago
Okay, I found the game logs folder. There are 8,000 files there. For all the time I’ve been playing. How can I count how many jumps I’ve made? I cannot open each file and look for a jump in it.
Write a short piece of powershell if you have Windows:
(Get-ChildItem -File -Path ("C:\Users\$env:username\Documents\EVE\logs\Chatlogs\local_*")| select -expand fullname | % {if ((get-content -path $_ | select-string "Listener:"|% {$_.Line.Split(":")[1].trim()}) -eq "Lara Agnon") {Get-Content -Path $_} } | select-string ("local :") | % {$_.Line.Split(":")[3].trim()}).count
I liked the activity tracker, it is unfortunate that it was removed from the game. I think since CCP already coded it and put in the man hours for it, it should have been kept but who am I to disagree with the almighty Dungeon Master of EVE: Online, CCP. I am just a simple arms dealer in the vast world of EVE:Online such things don’t really concern us, but it was cool kinda the activity tracker.
The main thing is that after deletion everything works meow