First of all, I’m not trying to go off on you. There have been numerous people in multiple threads complaining about the changes, and I kind of dumped a lot of my opinions on the matter into this one post.
Okay, market bots do exist. They have been banned, and you can find them for sale if you do a google search. That being said, it is quite possible that the playerbase assumed market botting was worse than it actually was. For example, people have messaged me to make sure that I’m not a bot. So the truth of the matter is probably in between the two extremes. There were a non-insignificant amount of market bots, but probably not as many as players seemed to believe.
Now, even though the problem was likely not as bad as it was perceived to be, that doesn’t mean that CCP shouldn’t have taken steps to address botting. Besides making current market bots worthless, and providing very little incentive to use market bots going forward, it will also go a long way towards making people feel like they are on a level playing field. In fact, it could be argued that players perceptions of bots and cheaters is actually more important to player retention than the actual prevalence of botters and cheaters. No one wants to play against cheaters, and if people believe that they are a big enough problem, they’ll quit. (on a side note, I know I’ve seen a player survey somewhere saying that botting was one of players’ biggest concerns, but I seem unable to find a source).
Of course, this is not the only way they could have dealt with the problem; nor is it necessarily the best way. However, I’m willing to bet that it will not only have a significant effect on the number of market bots, but also the perception of market bots.
Now, for everyone who hates this change -I feel you. I liked how the old system game me an advantage over those with less knowledge and determination. However, I strongly assert that this will not destroy the economy or kill trading or industry. Of course, I have no doubt that it will have an effect on the economy, but I highly doubt that it will be calamitous. Moreover, I’d bet my anal virginity that there are plenty of players out there right now trying to figure out how to use these mechanics to their advantage. Perhaps you, and anyone else reading this, should consider trying to do the same.
Finally, CCP said that they will closely monitor the situation. So, it is possible that they might make some adjustments moving forward. And, I’d imagine that they’d be far more receptive to listening to the constructive feedback of people who have extensively played with the new mechanics, than they are to listen to the people who hadn’t. You can say that they should listen to your feedback regardless, but the simple fact of the matter is that thousands of players are constantly vying for their attention. So, you can either argue with me over why CCP should listen to your opinion, or can increase your chances of being heard by making a strong case that you are worth listening to. Give the new mechanics a shot. Try to figure out how to use them to your advantage. Figure out what are their strengths and weaknesses. And then, provide constructive criticism based upon actual knowledge and experience with the mechanics.