Found the bug (#257) and fixed it in the “market hub” page. And indeed it shows that the “Tax Haven” is the largest market based on the 8-day average ISK Sell Volume after Jita 4-4 in The Forge. Therefore it is currently the partner non-NPC station for the Trade Hub filter.
Sadly the two runner-ups are not freeports and thus their name is not visible via the ESI API. But I would guess that the third place is the TTT.
Is the “hide already buying/selling” an upcoming feature or am I doing something wrong in not getting it working?
I’m logged in and I have approved the api but it has not done any calls and I can not find any way to do it manually.
Oh, sorry. These checkboxes should be invisible for the public, since I never planned to store user data apart from my own.
However now I need to rewrite my trading system and I decided to do so allowing others to use it as well. It seems you already discovered the completed page to register a character key. Currently working on an asset inventory, since I need an easy way to find out where my stuff is. Will probably move on to orders from there.
So short answer to your question: Yes, for the public this is an upcoming feature.
Sorry, RL is very busy currently, thus didn’t catch the question earlier.
Actually no data is migrated from DEV to PRD, since the data structure is completely different. However what you are refering to, is the commodity information. While this is fully automated in DEV, it sadly is not in PRD.
I’ll manually deploy the new SDE to PRD within the next days when I get a minute for it.