When you open the PI window and you are deciding where to place your next extractor, it would be nice to have a spot to make a few notes on that same screen. Like: “Import Livestock here for the advanced factories.” Or “Haul exports to planet Rens IV.” OR “Don’t forget to upgrade Command Center when I have the cash.”
Right now I’m using the Utilities Notepad, and it is quite clumsy! Another player I know uses Bookmarks in space near the POCO to jot down reminders. Also clumsy! Build it right into the PI planet window, please!
Or at a minimum, allow us to rename the command center. Even the ability to name it “Bring Livestock” would be helpful! Maybe this would be easier for the dev team.
Yes, we should be able to add a name to the planet that only we can see. Could be like you say, naming the Command Center. You can name ships, why not things in PI?
Like I said before, I have to put notes in a spreadsheet currently, which isn’t real convenient.
Renaming the structures(?) has been a suggestion for a long time.
The amount of therapy I’ve gotten out of having a legal pad with me playing Eve Online…
It’s just so much more convenient than any kind of IT based note pad, for a numberof reasons, one of them is you can write or draw whatever you need.
I just got my Industry alt into P.I, got me a couple of planets for now.
You’re right.
The whole Planetary Interaction system feels rushed and unfinished, like an afterthought not bothered with.
First of all there should be a chart built right into the system that we could go to with everything that every kind of planet can produce. It would also have all the materials listed with their icons and the materials that those materials could be produced from.
Anyway, I’m not going to enumerate everything that there should be. Enough to say that the barebones system we have now is grossly inadequate and borderline shoddy.
A notepad inside P.I window? I should think so!
And the ability to make flow charts, as you say. Brilliant!
BTW, if you don’t know, there are third party sites that do just this.
Here are two I’ve used:
No idea how anyone could do more than a few planets in PI without some kind of tool, including at least one like the above two.
I also use a spreadsheet. Was a good learning tool on how it works, but also to track progress a bit and see what might work before I actually try it in game on a planet.
Thank you, I did take a look at those before buying planets and they are good.
This thread though is discussing tools for inside the P.I window/system and I think that a notepad would help a lot.
I added the idea of the chart with icons, which can be found outside of the game because I think that a game as intricate as EVE deserves its own tools instead of relying on outside third-party websites.
What tool has charts with icons? Do you just mean one of the ones I listed?
I agree there is room for improvement in game. At least let us add an attached note to each planet we are doing PI on.
Another thing that would be nice, is a bit more information, like how long until a planet needs servicing.
Strange as it may seem, a tool that is not in game has some advantages to a tool in game. For one, it is made by a player, not a dev. And who knows more about what players want than another player. Also you can access a third party too anywhere you can access a web site, no need to actually run the game.
Here is another third party app. This is one that shows you all the stuff a system’s planets can be used to make (someone asked for this):
Too bad it can’t show you what just one planet can make, that would be a nice feature too!
@wildbill212 You make some very good points!
The chart I talk about doesn’t exist in the game but there is a chart online with all the planets and what they produce. It would be nice to have something like that in the game.
But yes, a Notepad inside the P.I window would be swell.
More information, as you say, would be great. Like when to start moving extractors and more detailed resource availability.
I agree that a tool for EVE is best made by a player versus a dev who doesn’t necessarily play the game everyday. It’s just that when I play a game I don’t like to leave the screen to go online, it totally breaks the immersion and also adds memory and power loads on a system that’s already burdened by low optimisation.
Thank you for the link!
That’s exactly my point in this thread. Planetary Interaction needs some serious in-game love.
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