Please add a spellchecker to eve, at least to the eve mail, but also into the chat if possible. Thank you.
Type the evemail in word then copy paste into evemail
Wtf, eve doesnt have spells, this isnt world of warcraft. Why would you need to check your spells beforehand? Are you going to cast Lvl 6 Purifying Beam from your amarr ships?
Honestly, people learning how to spell would be a far better solution than having a spell-checker fix it and they never learn how to spell correctly. That’s just my opinion.
Well if its easy to do (ive no idea)… Some people have writing or reading disabilities and i think it would be nice if not too big of a deal, to do that for at least them. It does work as a spelling teacher also.
If you are working on a writing project in game, I use Grammarly AI.
It will show up one day in the distant future.
Eve is a new game… give them some time to work out the issues… GOSH!
Most of the people in here are post education Americans. Barely any of them can write a simple sentence.
'nuff said
Mr Epeen