Hi there =D im a big PvE player and you guys seem like a wonderful bunch to be around so im wondering if i can join you guys?
Key ID:6198578
Verification Code: iOf7SZ4bWsesW1lmgXdyNFBJtmnTN77EDrSv1UjMHiz9dmeWNo3vg9NY3R7cSstQ
Hi there =D im a big PvE player and you guys seem like a wonderful bunch to be around so im wondering if i can join you guys?
Key ID:6198578
Verification Code: iOf7SZ4bWsesW1lmgXdyNFBJtmnTN77EDrSv1UjMHiz9dmeWNo3vg9NY3R7cSstQ
Oï !
That corp look pretty nice =)
Can I please see a recruiter or someone who can help me to join you, please ?
Thanks =)
Please eve mail me. And i can answer any questions you have and get some info from you. Eu and us tz freindly.
I’m looking to return to Eve after a long break. And I like what I see here.
If your still recruit, I wish to join you
Yep still recruiting. Join the recruitment channel or send me an evemaul. And we can go from there.
Where can we found the recruitment channel, please ?
Hello I am a new player looking for a good group of people to play with. I just finished the 5 beginning career missions. I like pve and pvp both. I am an adult with a job, and like to work hard and play hard. I also love to chat with one of the recruitment officers to see if this corp sounds like a place for me
Still recruiting? I am looking for an indy corp, i mine in hs solo, but i need to join a corp dedicated to industry…i have been playing eve on and off since 2009, so i may need to re-learn a few things. Please do send me a mail in-game so i can get in touch with you.
Just a reminder that if you want to get in touch with a recruitment officer, please send one of the following people a mail in-game!
Any and alll recruitment requests should go to a recruitment director.
Diplomatic issues, questions about leadership, etc etc, go to the CEO.
Recruitment channel is ADFU Recruitment
Happy New Years
Happy new year to you too =)
I joined the channel, but I see nobody in the list, so I don’t really know if I joined the good one or if nobody is online, can someone please help me ? I never added any channels in the chat section before -_-
Since its the holidays people might be off like myself!
If you want to you can just send me ( Gammel Aideron ) an ingame Mail whit any questions and i will help you out.
Or reach out to:
Gruul Estidal (CEO)
Sigel Mantea (Recruitment Director)
Gyrow Five (US TZ Recruitment Director)
Sieur Crepeau (US TZ Recruitment Director)
Josh S Get-R-Done (US TZ Recruitment Director)
Thanks =)
Actually, I already got my answers and would simply like to apply to join you ^^
This is a bump
Ze bump is real
Butthurt bump
Any recruiters on to talk
Back at it with that bump