Looking for ratting 0.0 corp updated close

Update no longer looking for a corp iv decided to just sell this toon

Looking for a 0.0 ratting corp posable a renter corp for my spare alt to rat during my free moments here and there

Looking for a layed back corp concentrated on pve
with no mandatory ops this is just for my alt to earn some isk and helps what ever renter corp via the corp tax I will be paying.

Looking to be able to log on do ratting or pve stuff which benefits corp and me then log off.

thanks out of corp and looking

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Hey noXzo,

Are you interested in even the slightest bit of pvp?

We’re currently basing out of a wicked creek, currently renting, with a view to build numbers, wallets, teamwork. It won’t last long, because we enjoy blowing stuff up too much! There’s no mandatory ops, since we don’t own anything to protect. You’d be expected to help corp mates if they were under attack, same as they’d be expected to help you.

Our recruitment post can be found here CONIN - Coming out of retirement

Our discord can be found here (I’m around most of the day to chat on discord) https://discord.gg/Syjzhrb

Give me a shout on discord, or join Conin lounge in game.


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Yeah I would always expect to home defence when enemy’s in system.

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@noXzo then hop in ‘CONIN Lounge’ in game, or our discord linked above. Discord is preferred as I can pickup on my phone.


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ADFU is located in Delve, we are always looking for new members. Good market down here, lots of friends flying around… Good times, come fly with us!

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bump updated still looking

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