Alpha pilot with 3mil total skill points. I’ve been doing tasks listed in the opportunities tab and some of the role based goals in the AIR tab, getting worried about becoming a bit wayward without and solid goals. I see that its generally suggested to join a corporation to get that social interaction and larger scale goals so I wanted to pose a question to the community.
Should I start by joining EVE University to get my foot in the door with broader learning within the game? My main interest is in PvP though, so should I consider a PvP focused corporation instead? If so, any suggestions on PvP corporations that would take on a newbie alpha state Aussie pilot?
To be honest, you couldnt go much wrong with Eve Uni, one of the better groups, if I was to suggest anyone else, it would be Brave Newbies.
I was just planning to run alpha for a decent period of time before I decide to go omega. If it’s not too much trouble, can you explain how it limits you? Thanks.
Its not impossible to pvp with an alpha, i know a guy in a band apart that is doing ok with it but hes very experienced, however he has adjusted many of his fits.
Its all to do with speed, navigation and acceleration control are two of the most overlooked skills ingame; most pvp is about range control you see be it kiting or needing to get (or stay) into brawl range. Ab scram kiters mostly rely on speed and scram/web combo to stay at their preferred range, kiters need the speed to stay away from others; im most cases faster is better.
You can kill ships with low dps and short range just as long as you can stay out of theirs (not accounting for getting under someones guns)
It limits you but its not the end of the world if that makes sense?
We would be willing to take you on btw, mostly eu/uk tz but were building a small autz community also; im available most weekends around or before dt too; not saying we would be perfect for you but i dont mind planning times to do some training/go through skills/answer questions on things and even practice - im not sure if other corps really do this on a 1 to 1 level - im also not saying we would be perfect but probably a better start for you for solo and small gang learning than a large corp that will just get you into a gang as a number or disposable tackle.