Agent Finder

How long or not it was around is completely immaterial: it worked. This is a natural advance: the functionality was lacking, and then it was added - progress. It has subsequently been replaced by something inferior ie. a downgrade. A step backward. So I don’t see what you think you are contributing to all this with your nay-saying and condescension: are you actually advocating for a regress to days BEFORE it was functional and useful?? totally gobsmacked

You seemed unable to comprehend a very simple set of sentences in my first post.

You also seem to not comprehend anything in the further simplified version.

Are you mad because someone is challenging your hyperbolic narrative posting?

Obligatory “Calm down miner”

You asked why the in-game Agent Finder was removed, received an answer and then stated how the Agency was unable to supply the info you need. Various replies have posted links to 3rd party apps that provide the info you’re searching for. In my 10 years of playing this game, I’ve found 3rd party apps are much better than CCP’s in-game apps.

The Agency is just a general overview of multiple in-game aspects, it doesn’t provide detailed info on a specific topic. For that info you’ll have to go ‘Old School’ and use out of game player built apps.

I’m afraid you’re taking the Alt-TAB too literally - it is not about the action itself, but about having the desktop environment at all - that is immersion breaking. I understand that this is not necessarily comprehensible to everyone - some people don’t immerse themselves in the exclusive full-screen environment. However, some do. Playing the game in widowed mode is no different from Alt-TABbing - it is still constraining the escapist EVE environment to a mere subset of a real environment (the PC desktop.)

As for the rest of the examples given: for immersion reasons and to make the game more challenging for myself, I choose not to use any of those either (with the exception of introductory education when preparing for a particular type of activity for the first time, at which point I go through some EveUni material to ground me in the basics - but not in specifics.) I do realise that I’m a bit of an odd duck in this regard, but I also know I’m not the only one with such views on game-play - perhaps I’m a little on the old-school side, whereby I prefer to discover content within the framework of the game, rather than seek spoonfed walkthroughs and cheatsheets.

Please understand: I am not narcissistic enough to be "IwantIwantIwant"ing something here - I personally know a few (admittedly not very many - but I don’t use EVE as a social platform in any case, so it’s not as though I’ve had the opportunity to “poll” very many people) others who feel as or very similarly. Some, much as me, steadfastly refuse to break immersion, while others grudgingly make use of external resources, because they see no choice. All that is secondary in any case to the simple fact of an unnecessary step backward.

What “simple sentences”? From the get-go, your entire thrust was to ridicule a simple and logically valid point (the fact that a functional interface has been downgraded in its usefulness - period) by making snide remarks about my time in the game and how much longer you, or at least others, have been playing it - utterly irrelevant. It’s akin to someone saying “well back in my day we had to ride horses, so there” in response to someone complaining that a city’s public transportation system had been unnecessarily butchered - it’s an absurd logical non sequitur.

I comprehended perfectly well the fact that you are not addressing the subject at hand, but indulging in pointless derision and irrelevancies.

What I am “mad” about is the unnecessary truncation of previously available functionality - I know I’m repeating this, but apparently it’s necessary, lest you go off on another deflective tangent. It was good the way it was, and it was REDUCED in usefulnes, plain and simple - there is no logical defense or justification for that change. Certainly none has been forthcoming, neither from you nor anyone else.

Incidentally, in response to yet another offensively condescending remark: I don’t mine (literally or figuratively) and making assumptions only makes you look like… At any rate, I have done quite enough troll-feeding, so at this point I shake my head, roll my eyes, and walk away.

To which I replied that although the links and the effort to share them were appreciated, they do not help those players who prefer a truly immersive experience - therefore, to them these links are not a solution.

This is not a justification, it is in fact an indictment. I invite you to consider that thought.

The point remains that it has displaced (not even replaced) a previously functioning interface, unnecessarily downgrading that aspect of the game. Using external references is, in fact, not “Old School” but quite the reverse. For Old School, look to games before the Internet, for example, or during its infancy, when one had to work with the information contained within the game’s confines and not extracted and exposed by third parties (not to say that this didn’t happen at all - but it was then defined as “cheating” or at the very least taking the easy way out, such as by resorting to print magazine walkthroughs - a few of which I wrote, back in the day, but that’s neither here nor there.)

Nice chatting with you, DeMichael_Crimson :slight_smile:


I responded to your post about immersion. Seems weird to think I would ridicule something I said I agreed with.

Good lord the paranoia runs deep.

The need to misinterpret everything as an attack on you prevents you from reconciling how someone who agrees with you could say such (apparently mean) things.

Might I suggest a nice walk outside to clear your head?

I don’t understand why, o why did they do this. Agency majorly sucks vs agent finder. Maybe they intend to fix it down the line a bit, then release the fixed version as “upgraded” and available for purchase on the store for plex ?

I don’t know.

Hopefully CCP won’t do the same thing with local chat… take it away and replace it with something ‘shiny’, yet of much more limited usefulness.

I agree the Agency sux, CCP never should have removed the Agent Finder in-game and they definitely shouldn’t have added half of the Journal to the Agency.

I use to play the game in full screen mode but when CCP removed the in-game browser, I switched to windowed mode so I could still continue accessing info that isn’t available in-game.

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I would love for local to be permamently gone from all space. Hunting would take on a whole new meaning, and I have a distinct feeling that active players will benefit far more from it, regardless which side of the hunt they’re on, then bots, multiboxers, AFKers and all that sort of ■■■■ put together.

Thanks all for the replies. I still haven’t understood why the developers would substitute the Agent Finder with the Agency. NVM.

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Thank you a bunch. I am thrilled to have a way to find storyline givers.

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Agent finder worked to well, so of course CCP had to replace it with something borked.


Going by that work-around, sometimes you might have to do the 16th mission for a different Agent Division in order to get a Storyline Agent within that same Corp.

For example, you’re doing missions for level 3 Security Division Agent in a specific Corp (Corp A) but the nearest Storyline Agent actually belongs to a different Corp (Corp B). Now the Storyline Agent for your specific Corp (Corp A) is actually nearest to a level 3 Distribution Division Agent in that same Corp (Corp A). So to make sure you get the Storyline Agent in the same Corp (Corp A) you would do 15 missions for that Security Division Agent and then travel to the Distribution Division Agent and do the 16th mission there. That would then make the Storyline Agent in that same Corp (Corp A) available to you. After completing the Storyline mission, you’d then travel back to your original Security Division Agent and do another 15 missions, then back to the Distribution Division Agent for the 16th mission, etc, etc.

Hopefully I explained that correctly enough for you to understand how to work it.

I’m not sure I’ve correctly understood what you’ve said about this in several posts. Are you saying you have to do the 16th mission for the same corp that you want to get a storyline for? That’s not how it works. Only things that matter are agent faction (not corp), agent level, and proximity of 16th mission agent to the storyline agent.

Umm, yes it does work like I said if you’re looking to just boost standings with that specific Corp.

There’s multiple Storyline Agents belonging to various Corporations located in different areas for each Faction. Each Storyline Agent gives Faction standing increase along with a much larger amount of Corporation standing increase.

When you complete 16 missions for a specific Corporation that you want to increase standing with, the nearest Storyline Agent could easily be from a different Corporation. Sure you’ll still get Faction standing increase but the Corporation standing increase may be with a Corp you don’t want or need standing with.

What I listed is a way to maximize standing gains with a specific Corporation.

I know what storylines are, how they work, and the effects they have on both corp and faction standings. I’ve done plenty of them because I like them more than the regular missions and I don’t care about the negative standings effects they have on opposing factions – I proudly have -10 standings with Amarr and Caldari before skills :grin:

The way to get a storyline with the specific agent you want is not what you’re saying, it’s simpler. You just need to do the 16th mission with an agent of the same faction and level as the previous 15 missions and for which no other storyline agent of the same faction is nearer than the one you’re interested in.

It’s all documented here:

Dude, that’s exactly what I wrote. How to get the Storyline Agent to be from the same Corporation as the regular Agent.

Ah, OK, as I said it wasn’t clear to me what you really meant. It looked to me like you were saying in order to get a storyline with some corp you had to do the 16th mission with an agent in that same corp, and that’s what I asked for clarification:

to which you replied:

As you can see, you apparently didn’t understand what I was asking either, which just shows how confusing all of this was getting…

Now I see you were describing how to get the storyline with the agent you want, doing missions for that corp and that corp only, and not doing any missions of any kind for any other corp, right?

OK, if that’s the case, then yes, you’re right and it works like you said. I didn’t understand it that way at first because IMO your requirement that the 16th mission be also done for the same corp unnecessarily complicates things and doesn’t make sense to me.

The rewards (standings or otherwise) you get from doing a distribution mission are negligible compared to the rewards of the rest of missions you’re doing, so for me it doesn’t really matter which corp you do that 16th distribution mission for, won’t make a difference as long as it’s the same level and faction. Requiring that it be the same corp, not just same faction, unnecessarily complicates things IMO.

Actually, if you want to take advantage of the little standings gains those 16th distribution missions give, you’d be better off picking if possible some other corp that doesn’t have security agents…

Anyway, I think it’s all clearer now, or at least I hope it is. :smile:


I was just using that as an example to show that the Agent Division might not be the same.

The entire point I was trying to make is for building standings with a specific Corp, like maybe for Research Agent or level 4 Epic Arcs, etc. It was just some extra info about how the player might have to travel to another Agent that may be in a different Division in order to continue gaining Corp standing while ensuring the Storyline Agent is also from the same Corp.

Let’s say you’re doing missions for a Brutor Tribe level 3 Security Agent and you want the extra increase to Corp standing from the Storyline Agent to go to Brutor Tribe. However the nearest Storyline Agent is with Republic Fleet. After checking Agent locations, you see there’s a Brutor Tribe Storyline Agent located next to a Brutor Tribe level 3 Distribution or Mining Agent.

So in order to get the Storyline mission from the Brutor Agent, you’d do the 15 missions for the Security Agent because they give higher standing increase, then you’d travel to the Distribution or Mining Agent and do the 16th mission to trigger the Storyline offer, then go back to the Security Agent and continue gaining the standing increases to that specific Corp.

Well this explains why I’ve been having such difficulty finding R&D agents using the Agency “tool”.

One search turns up two, a level 3 and level 4 agents.
If I expand the search area jumps, I get two level 4 agents. For some reason the search drops the level 3 result.

I can’t use any of these agents.
I want to find level 1 R&D agents, but the Agency is crap at doing that.