AIR Daily Goals Why has the daily goals been reverted

It was nice having more goals available to do. With a smaller list it makes the game feel tedious to try and complete these. Why revert a great addition to the game and go back in time? One of the reasons I came back to EVE was having the greater list of Daily Goals. When I see something like this I started having second thoughts about why I spend so many hours on a game that starts implementing anti-fun mechanics.

I would log in every day just to do the dailies with that big list of goals and knock out two of them. It felt good. If this is a permanent change it feels bad and I could see myself down the road not feeling the urge to even bother logging in. Just my feeling about this and I don’t think I’m alone on this since I’ve been private messaged about the change and heard their frustration as well.



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To give you more flexibility. Because Less Is More! Didn’T you know? Only CCP can come up with dumb crap like this. :joy:


This reversion seems like a bad idea. CCP please put it back to how it was. At 6000 EM a day to redeem 2 dailies it’s not sustainable. It’s one of the few ways in-game to make EM and this means we’re loosing a lot. Less fun getting emblems for our ships. :frowning:


The Patch mention in the email said that it is supposed to give us the freedom of doing daily missions so maybe they messed up the patch somehow. I don’t see how taking away goals gives us freedom.


This patch is awful, I can only assume they don’t want people doing these daily goals. Now even less reason to log in all my characters with this making it much more tedious.

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See the topic addressed to the devs in the CSM…

I encourage everyone to voice their thoughts/concerns on this change.

they weren’t even informed about it, much less know why CCP did it.

Why? Because we were finally enjoying it and stopped complaining about it…

The freedom: notice that with the change you have less options to do, but you can pay for one with EM to be marked as done. To do this you of course need EM and as they are not an infinite resource, you need now to additionally fly to a paragon station and complete a mission there, which might cost more than what you get as reward from the daily in the end. And of course this option applies only to omega pilots. Alphas can forget it altogether to replenish EMs.
To think about it a few days and to realize is not worth the time investment and hassle for a mere 10.000 skillpoints and the invested isk, that are potentially above or equal to what you get back as a reward, is the new freedom and flexibility that was granted to you.
It makes more sense to completely ignore this nonsense now and just play your game to earn some isk and go about your interests instead.

This change to the daily goals ruined my interest in playing EVE anymore. 3 Omega accounts are just going to collect dust in the docks for 2 years unless they fix the dailies. They should have just added the option to use Evermarks to complete a quest and not take away from what brought me in having fun with dailies and deciding that the game was fun enough to invest like what definately over 750 bucks for just the omega alone. I’ve decided it’s not in my best interest to invest more time and money into a game where they are putting development into taking away from the community and making the game less fun. I thought about it for a couple days and the first thing i did was open dailies and felt good being able to complete 2 quickly. Now that it’s gone I open the game and see that the games gone in a backward direction and I just close the game and now I’m off to go play something else. I think I’ve been playing 5 to 14 hours a day on eve for months now just because the dailies sucked me in. Never realized how much that mechanic pulled me into EVE until they ruined it. Even if they fix the dailies I don’t think I’ll invest money into the game anymore; really lost my trust with this change to the game.


The dailies are basically free SP with a handful of other rewards. In the grand scheme of things, you can probably get the same result with an accelerator.

Yeah the larger list was nice. I could always find two I was willing to do for the rewards. Now its rarely happens that I even bother to complete them. Huge difference with the reduction to four goals. Bring back the 8 a day and I’m sure you’ll see more people working them.


Changes like this really suck the small amount of enthusiasm that players still have left for the game.

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Kind of on topic, but daily rewards have been removed altogether now? Icons all gone from Neocom.

Edit: Unsure what occurred there, client lost connection, restarted and goals are there. Ignore my flapping.

This seems to happen fairly frequently. Exiting Opportunities and re-launching usually fixes it.