Daily rewards reduced

My Daily rewards/goals now only show 4 options whereas i think there used to be 8, whats going on?

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@Vartan_Sarkisian Are you talking about the AIR daily goals?

yeah, there used to be about 8 (some duplicates) now there is only 4 with some missing altogether.

Yes, it’s now four (4) - with no duplicates - but you can use evermarks (2500) to complete tasks. You earn (almost?) enough EverMarks to pay for these every day.

ah, how do you use the evermarks? was this outlined in a dev post or patch notes at all?

It was (somewhat). Just bring up the Opportunities window, then click on each activity you want to complete. You’ll get a prompt with the cost and a confirmation dialog.


Got it, thank you

Indeed there were.

I see. Of course, it advantaged players when there were 8, now with no duplicates means 500K to a million isk gone and completion needs more grind.


Pretty much. You now almost always want to run the Paragon daily quest for 2500 (etc.) Evermarks - since unless you have a huge balance these will slowly start dwindling away… The ammo ones for 2000 Evermarks are probably the most cost effective (and seem to come up as often as the T1 frigate hulls).

but even though there we 8 not all were duplicates, there was one regards a FW site (i didnt do those i admit) but that is not there at all, nor the one for earning 50 LP with a NPC corp

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In all honesty, I’ll miss the 8 (especially when there were 2 manufacturing duplicates) - but it was almost as easy to complete today with 1 manufacturing job and 1 purchased with 2500 Evermarks (I really don’t have any other use for them otherwise).

myself go t o use all evermarks in all characters, making a excel in the night checking inventory, and never do dailies then.

was the dumbest change possible 8 to 4. incredible.


Good thing I don’t care about the AIR dailies or CCP’s attempts to lead players by the nose.

Oh I know how many were duplicates. It’s basically CCP’s middle finger to those who are doing the AIR program.


I like the free 525k SP every month so I’ll continue being led by the nose (that’s the equivalent of 3.5 large skill injectors for me every month).

I understand. I don’t care about the free SP, I can already do what I want to do in New Eden. The skill queue’s speed is fine by me.

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To each their own. I just wish they had more incentives/activities.

:brown_heart: ( Circumventing the like system )

They do… if you’re willing to be lead by the nose :laughing: … and swipe that card of course.

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Well, swiping that card really isn’t my thing. But again - each to their own.

ccp always manages to scare away customers instead of attracting them


It isn’t mine either, at least as far as pixels are concerned.
I will swipe it for a meal at a restaurant before pixels.