Challenge repeated on the same day

Please fix this.


The RNG is R.

It’s bound to happen in any random draw scenario, particularly with the limited pool of options to draw from. I’ve had one with all 4 the same challenge, I just took it as easy free isk and SP.


Random is good, bad implementation is just lazy.

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No, don’t fix this, it’s a freebie.

I got “Earn 50 LP for any corporation” for 3 of the 4 challenges today and took some ragdolls to 3KNK and was done.

Where’s the problem?


No, it’s not lazy or even bad. Days like these make the fulfilling of these tedious tasks better and easier and are a happy coincidence now and then. There is absolutely nothing to fix here. It’s a little reward for the efforts, not a problem.


Yea, days like these are an issue.

50 LP is impossible in certain parts of space. In 7 years of playing I don’t think I have ever earned LP, because it would make me go out of my way to a different part of space to partake in a part of the game that I am entirely not interested in.

If you ask me, completing dailies should align with the usual gameplay of regular players*, not make people waste time outside their usual gameplay and jump through hoops.
Dailies that automatically fill while playing like usual is the only iteration of daily quests that I have enjoyed in other games.

I haven’t bothered to do dailies since they were implemented because of how they are designed as chores.

*Because the regular player in EVE can take part in a wide variety of activities, CCP should come up with activities that can be completed regardless of whether you run missions, do faction warfare, live in wormholes or are a station trader. I realise that’s hard, but a “Jump 5 gates” would be a much more general goal than to force players to go out of their way and out of their part of space to earn LP.

A nice quick and easy level 1 security mission job, more please.

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Then don’t do it. Next day has something for you again.

The premise for these dailies was that they are the same for all players and not vary for each player. Sometimes that means that PvPers are inconvenienced, sometimes PvErs are. Just random general fairness for all.

Besides, if you are really stricken with Severe FOMO, this encourages you to do something reckless like finding a wormhole to empire space or NPC null, run a quick L1 and then go back through the wormhole. You know, move around space and leave the comfort zone.


It’s not hard to just keep a clone in high sec and jump in to do a quick L1 mission and self-destruct back home.

The whole procedure can be done in minutes but you make it sound like an awkward excursion to Mordor.


Why should I waste my daily clone jump on something like a daily chore?

No, I just ignore the dailies instead.

However, that doesn’t stop me from chiming in when people point out the flaws of this badly designed manipulative FOMO-inducing mechanic.

If you ask me games would be better off if they focused on making the gameplay interesting enough that people come back regularly, instead of bribing people to interact with the game.

Sadly it’s much cheaper to bribe than to make gameplay that is engaging for a long time, so many MMOs have fallen for these cheap tricks over the years.

Anyway, if CCP insists on using dailies, it could be a lot beter if the goals aligned with regular gameplay so that people can earn the daily rewards by playing like they normally would.

And ‘normal gameplay’ does not involve wasting a jump clone to do a mission in HS.

Albion online for example also had daily rewards when I played it, but much better designed: I never had to go out of my way to get it - just doing whatever I usually did was enough.

Now Albion has other issues and I wouldn’t recommend that game, but EVE can learn from their dailies:

Let players complete dailies by playing like they would play the game even if dailies do not exist.

Why would you need to jump into another clone in HS to complete today’s task or for that matter any day’s task listed under the Dailies?

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But why would you need to jump to HS to complete the dailies?

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Where does someone ‘earn LP’ if they live in one of the many regions in the game that has no NPC agents or missions?

Large parts of null sec, wormholes and whatever time I spent in Pochven have no LP. In fact, 100% of my gameplay in EVE over the past 7 years does not involve LP at all.

In other words, it’s bad design to ask such a thing in daily quests as it’s only relevant for a subset of the EVE players instead of all players.

It’s not. It is just 1 Task on 1 Day that is not meant for you. That’s it. Sure, there could be more tasks (like your “make 5 gate jumps” or “hack 5 exploration containers” and the likes), but it’s not bad game design if on 1 day you can’t do these dailies without being “inconvenienced”. For instance, I have no way whatsoever to ever do these “Shield/Armor repair another capsuleer”, simply because I have no access to these modules where I operate with the ships I am in. Should I feel inconvenienced about this and demand that CCP removes these tasks or limits them?

As you already said, just ignore them on that day and suck up the FOMO. It’s a good therapy session for people that suffer from FOMO.


It’s not really something I treat as a “chore” or a “FOMO” thing, it’s just a “if it’s convenient for me to do so in the normal course of what I’m doing at the time”.

The real part that pisses me off about the “Earn LPs for any corporation” is the fact that Paragon (EverMarks) is not included.

…not really “any” corporation then is it?

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Worth bearing in mind that the whole string of daily challenges doesn’t renew immediately on completion - this is a monthly thing.

You have thirty days to do the twelve dailies to get all the rewards.

Don’t like today’s, don’t do it.
Tomorrow will be different.
You have time.

I reside in hi-sec. I get “do damage…” type tasks. No problem, I’ll see what tomorrow brings.

I’m a manufacturer. “Make one item” is done without realising it. Ger two of them and Jackpot!

Oh, and Random is Random.
People are very bad at seeing random. We are wired to look for patterns.


Persistence in doing those tasks helps to build significant amount of SP over time.

I don’t mind it being random, but those can still be 4 different tasks. Especially in case of the ones that are not accessible in certain areas.

Yes, ok, we can skip them on a day like this, but that just leaves bad tastes if someone cares for SP.

Yes you should.

These are more examples of bad tasks as such a task either forces people to go out of their usual gameplay roles (not everyone is part of fleets daily nor do they all take the logistics role) or they become laughably easy when someone cheats the intention of the task by multiboxing.

While I would easily fill that particular task with my regular gameplay, it’s just as bad and niche as ‘gain LP’.

Unless CCP adds enough different daily tasks so that no matter what players do in this game they always complete enough tasks to unlock the rewards just by actively playing the game like normal, this daily task system is still bad and in need of improvement.

This can be easily improved.

  • Instead of “2 out of 4” implement “2 out of 6”
  • You always get 2 PvE, 2 PvP and 2 Indu tasks

It would still require some activity, not just log in / log off. In the same time it wouldn’t force anyone to do things that are against their play style.