Sorry caps

What would happen if daily missions became for example

  • Kill 1 non capsuleer
  • Earn 1 LP
  • Scan 1 signature

So on so forth.

Would more people login/enjoy them?


The easier it is to complete daily missions, the more likely it is people will complete the dailies while playing the game.

The primary purpose of dailies is to make people engage with the game daily, as this boosts player engagement and player numbers.

The way dailies have been implemented is often out of the way for many players who log in, do their thing and log out. If dailies are not the same as ‘doing their thing’ for players, these dailies feel like a chore, especially if it also takes any amount of time (10+ minutes) of someone’s daily play time to complete these tasks.

Dailies for me feel like a chore, so I ignore their existence.

This means dailies fail their primary purpose.

At least for me, and I doubt I’m the only one who ignores dailies.

If CCP were to make dailies easier to complete ‘by accident’ while playing the game as usual, more players would be engaging with dailies and more players will be encouraged by dailies to play daily.


I’ve changed the way i deal with them, when there was 8 and we had the luxury of 2 x manufacturing job for example i did them, now I miss them most days unless certain ones are there because they are too much effort. Basically unless they are part of my normal play style i leave them


I too did then when we had access to 8 (and double industry for easy access) but now it’s too infrequently part of my playstyle to even bother.

Why spend effort on filling some FOMO checklist if I’m not going to get the good reward anyway?

CCP missed the target with their current tuning.

In my opinion the problem is that not only do you have to do something that may not be your normal play style you also have to spend like 25 minutes doing it :slight_smile: few


That’s indeed the problem.

When I play EVE it’s because I want to do something. I log in with a plan. I want to haul some of my stuff elsewhere in preparation of a fight, sell some loot or log in because someone in my group found people to fight.

I do not want to log in to EVE to then spend 25 minutes killing X amount of rats towards my progression at the end of the month that I likely won’t get if I don’t do my chores as well on enough other days in the month. Not only is it boring, it’s the way to get burned out on a game. So I don’t pay attention to dailies anymore while they’re in their current state.


I do still manage to complete it by the end of the month, the SP is handy for what im doing over all my characters

Takes a whopping 5 minutes to scan 5 signatures, if that. Takes a whopping 5 minutes to get 50 LP. Takes less than 1 minute to mine 2,000 units of ore. I swear, some people want everything for absolutely zero effort…

So when I play 30 minutes on a day I need to spend a third of that doing chores? No thanks.

Mining 2000 units of ore takes a lot longer in parts of space where there is no veldspar and getting LP is simply impossible in many parts of space.

Other games have figured it out how to engage people with their equivalent of dailies. In Albion and Warframe I have no issue completing dailies, simply because the dailies mostly align with how I would play the game anyway, so when I’m playing as usual I get bonus rewards for playing that day.

Not so in EVE.

That would definitely make me check the ADG again, as it would not be a big waste of time to hunt down the stuff anymore. It would also lessen the frustration when the god damn 4 options don’t have what I want to do for a day or another.

As it is, with the frustration from only 4 options and oftentimes not seeing what I want to do, I don’t waste time on the ADG any longer.

I do ignore dailys too, but on the other hand, I do ignore a lot of things. Learning Implants, Skill Injectors, PLEX Sales, Attribute Remapping etc. One can play the game absolutely without all that “optimizing” stuff.

But of course it does help that I already have 200 mio SP per char and can basically fly verything I want to fly.

However: The way the dailys are designed right now, they will not create additional activity. People do these tasks in specialized setups, away from others in the minium amount of time required and then log off - to repeat on the next char. And they will not actually play longer in terms of being out there in space doing meaningful things. After doing the dailies for just grinding the rewards, they simply log off. Even worse, I often experience situation where I actually would want to do something with a handful of corpmates, but some of them won’t participate because “they don’t have time, they need to do the dailies first”.

If CCP would want to create “activity”, they should not work the way dailies work today. Because it’s optimizable and calculatable and that leads to grinding and minmaxing instead of actually just doing some stuff with the corpmates (or solo).
And making them “easier” or “faster” simply doesn’t help here, if it literally is doable withing seconds, people would simply do that, do that on every char to grind the rewards and then log off again.

If the dailies should be an “activity driver”, they would need to actually reward “activity”, doing things out there in space - not for a fixed amount (25 NPCs, 5 Signatures etc. pp…) but for a prolonged time that reflects an adequate daily playtime (like 1-2hours). Not getting to full effect instantly, to prevent ppl. just “farming” a few minutes and then log off again, but actually rewarding activity for like 30-60 minutes, but not really caring for what activity that is. The current dailies reward results instead of actions. And results will always be minmaxed for grinding the rewards, driving ppl. away from their plans or goals they originally had when logging in.


Tell me that you don’t know much about the different space types in EVE and that you haven’t come around much yet, without telling me directly…

The players who live in those spaces don’t need the dailies. The dailies are geared more towards newer players who live in high sec…

Dailies are intended to encourage daily interaction with the game for all players.

You may be confusing the AIR daily goals with the AIR career program, of which the latter is indeed meant for newer players?

No, I meant as in newer players in high sec. All of the activities are geared towards that. Manufacture an item, mine 2000 units of ore, kill 25 NPC’s, earn 50 LP, defend a FW complex. All of which are easily doable within minutes in high sec. If you live in sovereign null, wormhole space, or Pochven, well, you’re going to have to travel outside of your little bubble in order to do those things…

Those AIR daily goals are the main source of Evermarks and the only source of Evermarks as well for those living outside high sec space.

Are you saying that older players should not be interested in applying corporation and alliance logos on their ships? Are those null sec empires not meant to use Evermarks to paint their Keepstars pink?

That’s not what older players are using it for, though. They are using it to run skillpoint farms with throwaway alts…

That’s something different.

CCP could design it one way and min-maxing players abuse it another way, that doesn’t mean this other way was the intention of CCP.

Also you’re again confusing AIR daily goals with the AIR career program.

AIR daily goals: daily goals for all players to encourage them to interact with the game daily.
AIR career program: lots of SP and other rewards for new players who do things for the first time, to guide new players into the game.

When you’re talking about veteran players who are abusing the AIR program to farm SP I guess you’re talking about the AIR career program?

This thread is about the AIR daily goals, which is something else.

The way it works is they create 2 new alts, do the 2 dailies to get the initial 10k SP in order to train a couple of needed skills. Then they do the various AIR challenges to get the first 50k SP rewards on both toons. Delete both toons, wait 10 hours, create 2 more toons, do the same thing again. You can get 200k free SP by doing that every day, for a total of 6 million SP per month. But it all starts with getting that initial 10k free SP from the dailies. THAT is what they are using it for.

Yea, what you describe is the AIR career program.

Not to be confused with the AIR daily challenges, which is something else.