Make daily missions easier and similiar to other missions difficulty wise

The recent change reducing daily missions from 8 to 4 per day and removing doubles has made them more difficult to complete. Yes, we can now spend a currency evermarks to complete them, but that will soon run out.

Dailies should give missions for activities I do every day. Some missions require too much time to complete.

For example:

  • Defend a FW complex.

I’ve never completed this and FW is one of my main activities. Why? Because it isn’t worth the time to capture a plex with a higher timer than a new plex and the likely-hood of completing this in pirate militia is rare.

Suggestion: Change it to “Capture or Defend a FW complex”.

Other missions that should be improved:

  • Merge the “Armor Repair other Capsuleers & Shield Repair other Capsuleers” to “Armor or Shield repair other Capsuleers”

  • Change “Manufacture an Item” to Start an Industry Job ( Invention, Research, Manufacturing, or Reaction)

  • Change “Mine 2000 Asteroid Ore” to “Mine 2000 Asteroid Ore, Moon ore, Ice, and/or gas”.

  • Reduce “Scan 5 Signatures” to 3.

If nothing is changed, then increase the amount of daily missions to 6 and add more missions that fit players roles.

There should be 2 of each type. 2 for pvp, 2 for pve, 2 for industry, and 2 for mining.


I agree one hundred percent.

I have one better:
There should be 10 of each type and I don’t see why the hell not at all.

make it 2000m3 of those though. 2k units of ice is insane for a daily

Honestly, just go back to the 10k SP login and random items (boosters, SKINs and SP). I feel like this whole thing has gone full circle without really accomplishing anything worthwhile.

Are more players undocking and performing the various daily activities? Probably not (at least after the first 12 days, anyway). Are less players logging in overall? Yes. Is anyone actually enjoying the dailies? No - they’re kind of universally despised at this point.

While I complete the dailies (I took Xmas off), they feel like a chore (more so now than at any point previously) - and are easily the least enjoyable aspect of my EVE session.


Ideally I would like to see this crap go away, but as long as it stays it should be as unintrusive and appealing as possible. The current system is a horrible experience. Not only do you get uninteresting or untenable tasks way too often, you are also toxicly seduced into spending a boatload of currency that needs days to replenish.

Making this experience appealing, much less frustrating and quicker again should be a priority to turn this toxic Skinner Box around.

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And I don’t think our perspective is the exception rather than the rule here.

I absolutely agree. It even disrupts corp-life because some people “have” to end a fleet earlier because they “need” time to do the dailies on their 12 Alts… Or you have to wait for people (or yell at them…) because they can’t start right now because… .dailies… It’s like promoting a damn addiction.

It’s annoying. It’s not adding fun to the gaming experience. Those “tasks” add nothing useful in terms of content, instead people trying to min/max the efforts in special fits or special ships that aren’t useful for anything else. Often shooting their own alts and remote-repairing them at the same time just to complete the task. Or producting completely worthless stuff, just because it’s fast and cheap.

Really, this current concept is simply bad.

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It is getting to the point of asking myself is it really worth the Isk and completing two just for a little 10,000 SP? Some days I do both. Other days I run out of the will and either pay the second or just not do it. Mostly just not do it.

ATM once I hit the monthly bingo prize of SP’s. I just really do not care one way or the other. Is this whole thing a good idea. I guess. Could it be improved. I imagine so. Will it really matter even if changed and/or improved? It would depend on what changes or improvements were made and if entertaining. Not turned into some sort of dally grind at the same time. Which I suspect any changes or improvement would turn in to as a matter of fact.

Where does that leave we the players? With CCP trying different things to see if they can hit a moving target with a silver bullet. Which is all to common in most online games in my experience. I have yet to see any online game really hit this moving target with consistency.

But this is just my opinion and wishing I could suggest something that might be better or at least an improvement that might work in the long term.

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The point is to force you to play more often and for longer than you otherwise would. They don’t want them to be things you can quickly and easily get out of the way.


Which is fine, I want to play longer as well. However, the way they go about to achieve this is atrocious. If you want people to play longer, make the activities mean more or have more variety.

Personally, I play less since they changed the system and I don’t even check the ADG every day anymore because of this system. There is no point in spending time on a frustrating experience, in my opinion. I would really love to know how the activity, completion, engagement numbers for the ADG changed since CCP “improved” them.


thats not the idea behind them though its just supposed to make you log in and stay long enough to get distracted.

The point is to avoid getting penalized by not getting your monthly SP boost

The way this has been bounced around since the initial release leads me to believe there isn’t any coherent strategy here.


In addition to your change, make it count a volume in m3 instead of a number of units so that all ore types and other types of mining are treated equally.

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That’s the beauty of them. No planning on dev side is needed for them to do their job