Daily Opportunities Revisions

Disclaimer: This isn’t intended as a for vs. against discussion regarding the Daily Opportunities. Rather, what can be down with some minor tweaks to improve it.
. . . . .

Daily Opportunities Revisions
• Increase the number of tasks back to 8 from the current 4. These should include an expanded list of tasks, ie: selling/buying items, salvaging, copying blueprints, etc.
• Remove randomness from tasks and make them all available (credit @Lugh_Crow-Slave).
• Reduce the number of EverMarks required to complete up to 2 tasks from the current 2500/4500 to 1500/2500.
• Rewards accumulate on the account (not the character), and can be redeemed by any character on the account (credit @Syzygium).

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Remove all randomness from daily tasks make them all available each day. Remove the strange restrictions. For example mining just make it have a harvest mod active for x seconds not m3 based.

And boom now like the stated goal from years ago you will be a lot closer to just completing them by playing not going out of your way.

Once this is done fill the roster out with more activities to cater to the more niche play styles


Having an (expanded) set of fixed tasks is a good idea - unless they really add a lot more to choose from. I could go either way on the mining (doesn’t take that long).

tbh I have thought if it wouldn’t be better if the game would just have an “Activity Timer” ticking and if you reach a certain limit, you’ll be rewarded.

That timer would be ticking as long as the game registers any meaningful activity:

  • undocking
  • manually initiating warp / jump
  • any manual movement command
  • any manual module activation
  • using dscan/probe scanner
  • modifying any industry job
  • modifying any market order
  • modifying any contract
  • doing direct trades
  • sending eve mails
  • sending chat messages

The timer pauses if the game doesn’t register any of these activities for a minute.

It would not count:

  • spinning your ship
  • just browsing mails, market, inventory
  • moving items around without interacting
  • orbiting something or being aligned to something
  • auto-repeated module activations
  • being fleet-warped
  • being regrouped
  • attacking anything via drone-assist


  • if you reach XX minutes of activity, you’ll get your 10.000 SP, 500 EM, 500.000 ISK.
  • these Rewards add to the ACCOUNT to redeem, not the character (see below why)

What would be achieved?

  • You can literally do whatever you like as long as you actually do something in the game, interacting with the environment or other players.
  • You can collect the rewards on multiple accounts simultaneously if you can keep all of them active by actually using them at least once in a minute.
  • This “I can’t do xyz right now because I need to do dailies” (on 12 more chars…) stops. Just go play EVE.

On top of the above, this “Activity Timer” repeats itself 2 times up to a total of 3 runs. So instead of “doing the dailies on char A” then logging that out and do random meaningless stuff on another char to collect the SP and then repeating this totally useless behaviour on the third char again, you can collect up to 30.000 SP, 1.500 EM and 1.5M ISK by just keep playing with whatever char you like and use the accumulated rewards on all of your chars as you like.

Same can go for weekly and monthly rewards, just scale it up reasonably, like 2 hours of collected timer per week grants the weekly rewards, 8 hours per month unlocks the monthly rewards.

  • If someone works a lot or has familiy, he could get the whole weeks unlocks by being active for 2 hours at sunday evening
  • if you are on vacation in a month or sick, you can “catch up” by doing one or two “EVE weekends” with more excessive playing and still get the whole months rewards.

Overall it removes the pressure to constantly “log frequently to do meaningless things” and repeating that for all your chars and shifts the activity requirement to just playing the game in whatever way you see fit as long as you reach a certain activity level.

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^Great ideas as well. I particularly like the suggestion to add SP to a pool that can be redeemed by any character in the account.

Making the rewards activity-based vs. task-based is an excellent suggestion, although it would probably entail completely redesigning the opportunities (this doesn’t mean I’m against the idea, but I think some small tweaks to the existing opportunities are more achievable - at least in the short term).