All sold

Scrub Bot accepted offer from Shnitzel Tiras awaiting account info.

77B Isk and account info sent

Account info and Isk received. Character transfer started. Thanks.

Transfer mail received. Thanks!

35 bil for scrub

Daily Bump

36b for scrubd

36b will take it in 5 hours if still top bid. Thanks for all the interest folks.

36.5 bil

37b bil

37 . 5b

38 bil

38b noted. will take him in one hour if still current top bid.

You got him. Awaiting isk and account info. Thanks.

40 Bill if it falls through

wait me 3hours

The isk has been playing in the past
account: a74899582

The isk has been playing in the past
account: a74899582

Isk and account info received. Transfer started. Thanks.

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