Alliance Recruiting Corporations - Diplomatic Immunity

Looking for additional PvP corps

Have come a long way in the last 2 weeks. 4 new corps have joined, over 200 members now. Moving along quickly.

What is your relation with GSF?


Whats the application process?

Convo me on Discord / mail me in game so we can have a chat and go from there

I see the imperium controls the refineries on moons in your space but some are set open to QFC members. Do you get to mine any better moons that might be a base for local T2 production?

Bump Bump Bump - Looking for quality corps. We are no longer in the QFC and now down in Period Basis.

Move to Period Basis pretty much over and done with. Nice new area for us, plenty of ops going now with the coalition. Great time to join and actually have an active role in an alliance, not just being another number in a massive blob.

@grenville_averti we are now out of QFC and certainly have moons as a base for T2 production. 500+ to choose from now. No restrictions.

We’re also recruiting individuals as well as corporations!
Some updates to previous posts in thread:
We now live in Period Basis. We own a few SOV but have access to the entire region for moons, ratting, and structures.
Blue to GSF as part of the Red Menace Coalition.
Incursion that was ruining our KB is gone!
Starting to ramp up Cap production now that we’re in an appropriate environment.
The word dank is still banned by leadership…

Join our public channel VITRI PUB or hit up Heartcarver#1296 on Discord if you’re interested in applying or just have questions!

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Join us!

Looking for more US TZ corps to help build our presence in a mostly Russian coalition!

Looking for more US/EU TZ (english speaking) corps to help build up our presence in a mostly Russian coalition!

Topic Moved to the proper Recruiting section.

Still looking for US/EU tz (english speaking) corps to help build up our presence in a mostly Russian coalition!

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