Yeah. I think I"m going to PI all 3, research on #2, trading/hauling on #3, and mining/exploration on #1 at first. Though research is nearly complete on #2 and mining is halfway complete on #1 so once the PI is complete on all 3 I’ll start trading on #3 and hope the MCT holds out until it’s usable. Don’t need tycoon right away.
Thanks for mentioning the implants earlier…I need to learn more about them. I have a training clone that I blew a bunch of ISK on (in my experience early investments in XP/SP in games is worth it) but didn’t even think that Research or Production may benefit from implants as well.
Asking this question has really helped a lot, though you guys have a ton of alts!
A few hours each day? Or a few hours a month? Biiiig difference haha.
I think in EvE its coveted to be able to plex accounts. You’ll see a lot about isk/hr. A lot of chatter about what’s do-able.
On the topic of your thread the idea that you can contain all the vastness of options for production and trade into just a few characters is daunting…probably not possible in any literal sense.
You can get close, you can begin to achieve great results in some vertical aspects. But to have horizontal mastery, not so much.
For instance in WoW it seems everything you di was done on character.
In EvE you might need different structures in different locations just to do some things.
In WoW it seeme when you knew how to do something you retained it as long as you wanted.
In EvE you need consumables that are copies or coveted originals to make items. The copies get consumed in the making, and the originals have differing levels of buffs based on how much people have put research into them.
And those people guard the best originals tightly, selling out copies etc.
So because of all these inputs, and competitiveness, margins can be quite low across the board…
There’s definitely money to be made. Good isk. But it’s not something you do by controlling all the production chain. It’s by getting good at a part of the value added chain and working that piece.
You and I should collaborate on Pi…seems we have the same mind for systems and value.
But I dunno. I’ve been keeping my systems a valuable secret because I have and can demolish the Jita (largest trade hub) market with my methods. I didnt invent the wheel…but I definitely took it from wooden to rubber.
Don’t do PI. I have all V PI on my alt and I never use it.
Most of people who have big numbers omit the time it costs to manage them, the risk, and the real market (that is, after they remove tax, freight, etc.).
Once you do all the math, you may realize it’s not actually as worth as people claim. But it’s been long time, so maybe it’s worth now ?
Also installing a colony is fcking cancer.
Just so you know, I have a program that tells me when my extractors are ready to be relaunched, so that I don’t even need to log until I know it’s worth it.
research is very nice once you know what you wanna build. because you will need rigging skills if you want to research capital rigging bpos. also if you want to research standup structures you may need to train anchoring , etc.
Your first problem is you never graduated from the mindset of a harvester.
Which means you have an undeveloped understanding of valuation.
It became very obvious to me in about 2 weeks of doing Pi that you either went all in harvesting or all in factory.
People who harvest inputs to make p3/p4 end up making fewer p1-p2 than they could have and the value added in p3-p4 isn’t enough to make up for the loss of harvesting.
A fact I’ve noticed you never seemed to have discovered. At least not quantitatively.
I totally do. Out of every aspect of the game I’ve dominated this one for certain.
I’ve got the numbers, the prices, I can at a glance see exactly what to produce and flip it for over 20% after costs. And I can do it in under an hour for any size.
The only limiting factors now is haulage. Hence PushX comment.
You totally don’t. You have no comparison on what Eve can be, and thus are affirming things without any base.
You think that I stopped PI because I could not find out what you found. Dude you are clearly no genius, many other people have thought about PI optimisation before you -.-
Well, a couple hours per token at the time, plus logging in and updating the auctions. Since that was the game to me it’s kind of hard to judge how much time that took. While everyone else was doing raids I often sat on the AH making 100k on reset day. I’ve always found the currency per hour concept to be flawed for that reason. It only makes sense if you’re only doing an activity to subsidize another activity. If you’re listening to music or chatting with friends while roaming around farming, you can measure your gold, but you can’t measure your hours. Same with my early experience in Eve. Joining a mining fleet taught me a lot about the game concepts early on. Gas huffing has taught me about wormholes. I spent a couple of play sessions learning about manufacturing so far and haven’t made a single ISK off of it, but I bet no one counts that in their ISK/hour formula and no one was born knowing the game so everyone has had to learn it.
Noted. This certainly fits with what I’ve seen so far. And diversity, due to the simplicity a lot of things in WoW were “make your own” and materials were where a lot of people had to make their money since the final product sold for less than the materials.
Find me one fuggin blog. Just one. That shows you how to rig a p4 factory to produce 425 p4 in 30 hours on one planet with CCU IV.
I’ll wait.
Because I know I’m the only one with thatn factory set up which is why I’m making 4b a month from 8 planets (6 p3 and 2 p4) instead of the 18 planets per omega like you were running.
As much as I hate to admit. @Anderson_Getenis usually right about some things and definitely spot on about things like taxes and hidden costs.
Which devour the margins.
Brokerages, sales tax, poco taxes, ME efficiency. Other costs all eat into this coveted margin thats dominated by higher skilled and more knowledgeable players.
For instance to pester Anderson about it. The reason I’m crushing it in Pi is because I noticed glaring mistakes in Pi player’s paradigms and was able to completely transform both the p3 and p4 factory setups in ways that allow me to literally out produce the Jita market for P4 and for some P3s.
The literal problem I’m running into is keeping the market stable long enough to make money off it.
Only one instance I saw someone out sell me and I think it was a stockpile…because I crushed them in the sheer numbers…they only fulfilled a top bracket then stopped taking while I took the rest.
Which is weak.
And I had a tremendous value added on that anyway because I can turn production a dime so I saw a weakness in just one of the inputs and made a ton of those first.
So I flipped about a 50% margin on that.
No one else right now can turn their pi production on a dime to take full advantage of market changes real time.
Because no one can produce up to 850p4 in a day at command.
I can.
And that’s me using 1/9th the potential of one omega.
Nobody goes 18 planets unless they cant squeeze more money out of 17 or fewer.
It takes way too many SPs to ever consider 18.
We been over this.
It takes 30% of all training time to get to 15 planets. If you were making that much off Pi youd choose to plex and go another 15 planets before investing the SPs in a further 3 planets…