Alt strategy, or perhaps the dumbest Eve question ever

This fascinates me but as I got beat down in another thread about…markets are totally irrational esp in these games.

EVE probably is more rational than WoW though.

@Anderson_Geten heh not taking tjat rabithole debate again. Simply. Yoi trained to 18 planets.

No one does that for no reason. I could train to freighter and DST in same.time as that.

Whatever your reason was. I’m not even using 9planets right now. In fact I using 6…

And earning enough to plex.

I imagine others in Industry and Trade have found similar ways to do that in their fields.

Mine relies upon a very smart configuration of factory planets I’ve not seen anyone talk about.

So I wait for evidence of anyone building factory planets like I do

It’s a pretty dumb system, really. On smaller servers the economy is different. I was on a very large one.

Markets only work with symmetrical information and information can only be symmetrical if you seek it out. The default UI is pretty crap in this regard. I think it’s assumed that products will be more expensive than materials so no one ever bothers to check and/or they consider the materials that they gather themselves to be “free” disregarding opportunity cost.

It would make more money for everyone if more were to sell their materials on the market and buy the consumables rather than making them, but as I noted, 99% aren’t in the game for the money and you make plenty of cash to support your consumable habits, plus the AH fees and time spent. All the real gold sinks are cosmetic and there is a LOT of different currencies which you need to buy certain other things.

Plus, you can’t really make use of more than one account, so unless you’re broke (and dumb) using Tokens isn’t really beneficial.

As I said from the get go, there are very many differences between the two games, I’m not really trying to compare the two, just trying to not make early mistakes.

It’s a video game FFS.
If you want to know something you have to try it.

Guess what ? I have two toons with both.

Evidence for what ?
You are asking for evidence of something completely off topic.
You are claiming I had to go 18 planets; (actually it’s even more) and then “I won’t take thid debate”. If you don’t : then don’t ! don’t be just words and no act.

What am I missing here? It takes 14 high-tech factories to produce 420 P4 products in 30 hours. Add a spaceport and a pair of storage facilities and you’re still way underbudget on CC CPU/PG @ CCU IV. Seems pretty strait forward to me. What’s your genius method that no one else in the whole of New Eden has thought of?

also it’s 100m³ produced by hour, so 14 means 1400m³ per hour, so you need to make several trips and gather the P3/P1 beforehand, and it needs waayyy more than half an hour per day to do that.

The time and space is pretty crap too.

2 days max for items?

At least in EvE you can post a 3month order

I’m mostly trying to stay out of it, but since there are competing opinions here I’ll ask for a 3rd. Do you consider having PI on all 3 characters on a main, starter account worth the effort. If so, what level of skills would be bare minimum viable?

I guarantee you that right now my supply line is not time consuming. But having a freighter or dst would reduce risk. Again collateral from Pushx would almost all but eliminate risk. But at the cost of market agility

Also 1 planet’s worth of p4 inputs at 425 cycles fits in one Epithal trip.

2 planets worth of p3 inputs fits into an Epithal

A pair of storage and a spaceport wont hold enough materials. Unless your idea is to transport mats back and forth every 12 hours.

And one LP has 7 hour cool down on 10000m3 expedited transfer. Tending a p4 factory system every 7 hours to stoke the forge is not tennable.

Theres things most definitely not straight forward in the p4 factory system.

Last thought. at my set up with everything packed as closely as possible @ccu 4 it came to 35 remaining CPU out of 21k. So that’s not plenty to spare that’s cutting it super close.

Just a misclick is almost enough to make the links push the CPU past budget

My bad, thought the cooldown was on the storage rather than the spaceport. In which case you’d need 4 launch pads making it impossible with CCU IV. So enlighten us all, how do you install 14 factories and 4 launch pads (before even counting the links) on a single planet?

No probs its cool. Cooldown is on whichever building is doing the transfer. I dont intend to enlighten that’s currently a proprietary secret. I think if Anderson thinks it over a bit they’ll solve the riddle first.

Like I said I didnt reinvent the wheel but I did see something no one seems to have considered which changed everything.

I think if people started doing it enmasse itd take away all the market advantage I’m enjoying now.

You’re free to message me in game tho. Eventually I’ll grow tired of having no one to share it with. And I do want collaborators.

Pi harvesting depending where you are located seems to earn around 2-4 million isk per planet at low risk. Meaning high sec or low-grade low sec.

This is achieved with daily resets of harvester heads and a p0->p2 factory chain.

You can train to 15 planets @ccu4 relatively quickly. Someone can correct the specifics but maybe about a week’s training?

You need to earn 4.4m a day on 18 planets for 30 days to earn enough to plex account at current price of plex.

So a little more than that since you wont have a full 18 planets.

Pi offers the advantage that its is easy to do and doesn’t have a lot of other costs to consider while doing other activities too.

So to get right footing I’d say at least train to 12 planets and ccu4.

Before working towards other things.

Now…regarding trading. Theres only a few skills immediately necessary to help bring down costs. Focus on what lowers sales tax and brokerage tax.
This also includes being high standing with caldari navy so you’ll want a few social skills too.

None of which should take more than a day to train.

For industry you’ll have to shop for a decent station to build in. Settling for what you can find.

You dont need a lot of industry skills because mostly you’ll want to find one thing to focus on and find good bpcs to do that thing, and you wont really be doing the research which others have already done.

I’m actually in null-sec corp with all the accoutrements of station along with isolation, turnover, and the high prices that go with it. I just brought 10M worth of BPOs over yesterday and am researching them. Items that I notice are way overpriced and tend to get burnt through quickly.

My goal is less to plex the account and more to just play the economic game. There’s clearly lots of demand here. They run out of stuff all the time.

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They definitely do. Being in Null you’re already halfway there. Adding even a little Pi will greatly enhance your leverage since it’s very minimal effort for a long term product scheme.

For 15min a day you can make an additional 30, 40, 50m isk while playing the entire rest of the game.

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Then PI may be worth it.
I tried it and it was almost worth it in NS, in terms of (total isk gained) / (total time required) for two days cycles

BTW I tried building P3 directly on a planet, by switching the P2 between two required every week or so, and I was at loss : the time to replace the extractors, the punishment for forgetting one… :confused:

But again it depends on what you have access to. In NS you should have access to anoms. When I did it in VNI it was 80M/H/toon (including salvage) so 160M/h with two toons, plus escalation, plus commander loot, which was more than I could do doing PI and required less presence (I could do it 3H as I could do it 1H in 1week).

Also anoms give you access to “gun mining” since you can reprocess all those HIC bubbles. Which means you may have a good time researching BPOs and crafting.
Don’t forget to set your price according to what yo would have got by selling the minerals/items using a buyback system.

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