AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!

Will CCP now focus on EVE Online instead of other doomed projects such as VR or FPS?

Diversifying makes sure that we’re always going to keep things sharp and fresh.

We’ve done that in the past - some stuff has worked, some hasn’t.

Never say never, I think we’ll also work on other projects, but EVE will always remain a huge part of what we do.

Working with Pearl Abyss gives us so many opportunities to do more work on more projects, we’d be super dumb not to embrace them.


That is an incredibly satisfying and direct “yes”.

I think I’ll remain subbed for now. But I’ve played BDO. And if I see EVE move even an inch in the direction of that game, in any aspect, if even one dial is ‘cranked’ as @CCP_Guard puts it, I, for one, won’t be sticking around. EVE has been the single greatest gaming experience of my life. BDO, one of the most cancerous.


Please, do try to give them reasonable questions. You are asking something they cannot really answer without resorting to marketing talk. It is this kind of question which prevents a real open exchange. This is an acquisition. That means that regardless of gentleman’s agreements and initial accords CCP Games is no longer independant, and has become a tech and product asset, nothing more. You are effectively asking them to wiggle. I don’t think this is fair.

That was a pretty reasonable and valid question.

I can totally understand that there’s valid community concern around what happens when CCP is bought.

Hope I can assuage that concern with the answers we’re giving, because we’re still very much in control of running EVE :slight_smile:


Not nothing. I have direct experience with PA. If PA has any say over this game, I’m out. If they don’t, then I’m okay with that.


Nope! That’s a decision for CCP to make. We run our own community relations and one of the things they’ve talked a lot about is how they see us as having built good community relations. Having just come out of an excellent and productive CSM summit, I’m sure there’s nobody here who doesn’t think the CSM is very useful to both us and the EVE players.


Love you Guard.

Sounds great. Of course you know Eve players are always going to paranoid, especially since this game is one-of-a-kind.

I hope you guys will be able to (at some point) give us the benefits of new vs old. Cheers Guard!

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You should recognise that “yes”. It is the exact same one BDO players got for the exact same question.

You are dealing with marketing.


Guard and falcon better be getting pizza and beer for this…

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@CCP_Guard and @CCP_Falcon

Does Pearl Abyss have anything to offer CCP towards the end of better fighting the plague of ratting/mining botting that is ruining EVEs balance, economy and reputation?


Has PA changed/refocused/axed/added the things currently under development or are they still wholly under CCP control?

No changes, still 100% under CCP control.


I still have hope that one day it will be about both :slight_smile:


Any changes to the 4 Fanfests in 2019 or Eve FF or EvE Vegas 2020 or beyond?

If eveything stay under the CCP control … i have see some meme about hello kitty skin… can we have they ? (i m serious, we don’t have a lot of pink skin on ship …)

@CCP_Falcon @CCP_Guard how much control does PA have over hiring and firing ccp employees?


Nice wishlist, is it obligatory ???

I’d say that’s more likely the other way around.

Not to be rude but you guys can’t honestly think we players are going to buy the line that PA dropped 425mil on a company that they don’t want anything to do with.

PA has to be expecting something from CCP or else they wouldn’t just flush their money down the drain.

I get that you have a marketing diagram to follow, but please show us a little respect.


And if that’s the case, then I’ll uninstall EVE the same way I uninstalled BDO when their ‘yes’ changed into a ‘no’. I won’t just unsub, I’ll trash all my stuff, use the last of my isk to bounty my own toons, then biomass everything.

To be honest, as satisfying as that yes was, I only said I may resub. I’m still undecided. Things like PLEX vaults, asset safety, instanced Abyssal space, etc, all make EVE less of the EVE that I first subscribed to. It’s not the game I came to love. I’m going to give it a few weeks before I make a decision.


CCP, you are not addressing the concerns which players see how BDO is perceived as a very P2W-heavy game, other than saying PA won’t interfere with how CCP runs Eve. It is obviously a not satisfying answer; we want something more explicit.

To CCP devs: I assume you guys don’t play BDO, but at least you now have heard about BDO and its perceived issues. What can you say about these issues and how would you relate them to the future of Eve Online?


There is nothing PA can even remotely offer for EVE that’d benefit the game and its players. PA on the other hand, has Everything to learn from EVE.

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