AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!

  1. That’s a big question! :slight_smile: We have no current plans but who knows what happens in the future. Sorry I don’t have more on that.

  2. Everything like that has been discussed, it’s complicated and there’s pros and cons in that general direction. But no actual plans as of now.

I’m very optimistic too. I’ve followed this progress as much as I can and the more I know the more confident I feel…which is a good sign I guess.


I find it hard to imagine that PA, a company widely known for looting every piece of fuzz out of their player’s wallets has no intention to monetize their new IP – Eve Online.

What makes you think that they will break character and pattern in this instance?


If everything went so well in financials why didnt ccp buy their own stock and go private???

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I didnt ask you.

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When did Pearl Abyss first approach CCP or vice versa? Even a rough timeline would be helpful to let us know how long this deal has been in the works.

It’s been in talks for a while - not sure how long exactly.

Personally I found out a while back because I’m also the Company Ombudsman and there’s a lot of stuff that has to be discussed when something like this happens.

There’s been lots of talking about this in 2018 :slight_smile:

Will this deal provide a net increase or decrease in development resources for EVE? How about the other projects like Project Nova? Any major strategic changes from within CCP as a result of the acquisition?

I’d safely say from my personal knowledge that there’s not a planned decrease. I’m hoping myself that we’ll be able to put more people on staff, but at the same time, throwing bodies at a project isn’t always the right answer.

Are there any immediate plans for avatar gameplay in EVE as a result of now-available tech, assets, and expertise? If not, are there plans to pursue or investigate this possibility?

Nope, we’re focused on spaceships. (Sorry @Niraia)

Will Pearl Abyss be using CCP to help improve its own community handling in the EU and US? Any broad idea of how that collaboration will occur?

I’m hoping that they reach out to us - we aim to learn from eachother. That said, it’s literally been 24 hours since this was all announced so it’s a bit early :stuck_out_tongue:

Fanfest in Seoul?

I mean, I wouldn’t say no to being sent over there to take a look at things, but it’s too early to really say haha. :stuck_out_tongue:


@CCP_Falcon With this recent influx in cash, and the announcement for 64 bit clients, will we be seeing a large investment into increasing server stability?


Question: with ccp being acquired will we see the return of the community team and will it engage better with the player base than past and present terrible dealings we’ve been subjected to?

No such plans, no. They’re very different games in different markets with different tech behind them…at the moment nobody is interested in that level of entanglement :). We’ll do our thing, they’ll do their thing…and we’ll mind share where it makes sense! I’m sure that down the road we’ll spot some fun opportunities of all kinds.


@CCP_Falcon With this recent influx in cash, and the announcement for 64 bit clients, will we be seeing a large investment into increasing server stability?

We’re always investing in improving stability - I’m hoping myself that we’ll see benefits from working with another gaming company that seems to have a pretty good handle on scalability :slight_smile:


Will this sudden influx of $$$ mean that we will finally see less TIDI? :stuck_out_tongue:


Try me, I like to talk :stuck_out_tongue:


Conspiracy theory question here, were the DDOS attacks linked to that business transaction?

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@CCP_Falcon I think to improve server stability you need to see what bioinformatician do. They have a lot of problem like EVE legacy code with some old code in python, and how to change they, how to calculate very fast etc …

That’s a plan we’re actively working on and we’ll talk about it more soon, right now I don’t see any major changes.

You coming to any of them? :slight_smile:


" Jung: First, we plan to support the long-running success of Eve Online and maintain its position as one of the leading sci-fi IPs in the world. We also hope to further our market growth with Eve Online, plans for which we’re not yet ready to announce. Down the line, we are looking to integrate CCP’s extensive development and publishing know-how into the creation of our pipeline of original IP."

Its the “plans for which we are not yet ready to announce” that concerns me.


Will Pearl Abyss start announcing big game updates/patches in Korea in Korean first like they do with their other games/titles like Black Desert?

Nope, we’re still developing and messaging in English. Not sure if we’ll offer Korean localization in future, but I hope so.

Amusingly, there’s apparently a lot of EVE Online fans working for Pearl Abyss, and when this was announced to their staff, one of the most frequent questions was “ooooh, can we get a Korean Localized version of EVE???” :smiley:

Will pearl abyss try to add more micro-transactions and services to eve?

EVE’s development still lies with CCP - Pearl Abyss aren’t looking to interfere with it.


Have you discussed the amount of say that Pearl Abyssal will have in the development of the unreal engine based mmo?

With the potential for increased resources, does this mean we will finally see ship rebalances, tiericide and capital proliferation addressed consistently anytime soon?

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I want some epic armor wingy bits, that made my ship look more badass than yours. A skin pack that changes more than color combinations, you know? Gimme some shoulder paldrons for my Rattlesnake, and spikey bits all around my nemesis.
Oh! And can we also allow for penetrating damage from the incursus ship models now too? K thx.


Has CCP been given an indefinite period of 100% creative control over eve, or does it have a certain null and void clause under which PA can take control over eve?