Ammatar Mandate Shipline

mordus legion ARE a pirate faction which called more “mercenary” but they still pirates … and now only SOE are special and if you asked me … nobody need this ships !

but they ARE factions that stand alone ! ammatar belongs to the amarr!

no … then you can argue that every ship need to have boni from 2 different factions … this only will lead in way more unbalance and result in chaos !

Mordus legion are a mercenary ( pirate ) stand alone faction !
SOE are a humanity organisation ( special thing ) but this can we call as faction because they arent a subfaction !
ORE is a mining corporation ! they have a full reagion to operate so they are a faction ! they were a part of gallente but they seperate from them !

“The Serpentis is one of the major pirate factions in EVE. The Serpentis are known for their biochemical expertise and drug business.” - if we want to talk about the serpentis…

they are an own faction ! but they are using amarr ships ! … but if you asked then khanid has more rights to have an own shipline then ammatar ! but as they use amarr ships this is obsolet !

never heared of them … im not the “lore dude”
but as they are unknown to me sounds like very small factions

yeah ;( thats absolutley correct … im very sad about this fact and there are a lot of great ships out there but nobody use them because of only a few but very strong ships !

ammatar as a subfaction has no right to have an own shipline ! but i agree that we dont need triglavians ( to strong and unbalanced ) or edencom ( almost useless ) and sister of eve … almost a very strong and unbalanced battleship !

FOr a change of topic let’s talk about opinionated bovines or mules.:wink:

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It is basically a complete faction as it owns space unlike mordu, soe or ore.

That the ships are unbalanced is true and I agree here, however that is as a rule a basic issues in the few pvp open or factionalized sandboxes I encountered so far. People are more likely unhappy with something and cry “tit or tat is overpowered and tet or tot is underpowered” than happy and sing “joy, there is joy, in getting wiped by”.

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no they are NOT !

“The Ammatar Mandate is a semi autonomous part of Amarr Empire. The Ammatars are part of the Amarr Empire, but are of Minmatar origin.”
Ammatar Mandate - EVE University Wiki

because the imbalance is to strong … before triglavians were implementet we had a way better balance ! after triglavians they buffed marauders and now they are also to strong and unbalanced !

if youre a small group of ppl and you want to have a fight but then they overwhelm you with an heavy armor leshak gank with marauder support then youre only choice is “stay docked”

i know leshaks and marauder still have their weaknesses and if you have the manpower you can beat them …

Same wiki:

“Today, the Ammatars enjoy a semi-autonomy in their own space and are still embroiled in war with their former Minmatar brethren.”

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and they are still a part of the amarr faction :wink:

Fun fact: If you are Minmatar Militia and go to Ammatar highsec, you will not be attacked by the Ammatar Navy.

Well both are right here, Ammatar is currently Adishapur fiefdom:

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