An extremely serious question about botting

Most organizations of any consequence in this game have rules against reporting blues. The thing they have in mind when creating such rules is discouraging people from reporting things posted to fleet, alliance or corp chat. We don’t care about protecting botters, but we do care about avoiding drama so the policy here is effectively “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

How would such a rule be enforced unless the “offender” openly admitted to reporting people??


It used to be. CCP has started coming down hard on corps and alliances that harbor botters - going so far as taking away any ill-gotten gains (ore/isk/etc), taking away the isk from rental payments, etc. All they need to do now is start imparting punitive damages on top of that.

It’s realistically only a matter of time until a botter gets caught. If the net cost to an alliance is measurably high, you can bet they’ll stop turning a blind eye to it.


Sounds like a new meta game: destroy an alliance from the inside by putting botters in their member corps and rentals, and mass report.


We don’t “harbor botters”, nor do we “turn a blind eye” - we’ve strictly prohibited discussing EULA breaking activities on our out of game services for at least 8 years now, and we’ve had strict rules against typical botter crap like 200km of permanent anchored bubbles on gates in pipes for as long as we’ve had space.

Except when Mittens calls for a player to get harassed to the point of suicide.







Its years ago and he was already sanctioned for it.

The mocking tone is merited because it’s a dead horse. CCP already punished him for the incident. People who compare it to other noteworthy incidents since then (usually to accuse CCP of favoritism) like to gloss over the fact that the Mittens publicly apologized after the Fanfest incident, resigned from CSM 6 and 7, sought to make amends with the player he mocked, and unlike those other noteworthy players who were permanently banned, he didn’t throw his toys out of the pram and publish his communications with CCP.

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Goons don’t break the EULA

Except when they do

But it’s okay if you wear a wizard hat

Just apologize after mmk?

yes, much like in real life, if you do something wrong and make a clear effort to make things right, you will be punished less harshly

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Its like how people still think rain isnt wet because they read it in a newspaper or watched the TV.


Hey! Don’t ask, don’t tell. Neither harbor, nor turn a blind eye - just don’t talk about it! It’s not allowed…

But if you must, please wear a wizard hat!

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Guess you guys didnt see the debug log exploit going on. They can see you warp from the logs cloaked or not.

It’s Schrodinger’s botting. All the bots left the game, and yet, are still everywhere.

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Apologize and get punished.
And then you are pure as a child.

(edit : mistake) Continuing to rant about mistakes that have been made, and paid for, is completely childish.

Not going to read replies but just give you some facts. There is no longer botting in nul. They all moved to 0.1 and up.