And they are trying to RECRUIT people? Really?

If you actually played Eve years ago, and was part of a real corp, not some fly by night group of friends who acted like a corp. You would know that every major corp since the founding of this game has required its users to have either Mumble, Teamspeak, Ventrillo or now Discord.

Some kind of VOIP has been a thing in many MMOs for real guilds/corps for over a decade now. Hell we required VOIP for our guild back in WWIIOL, and DAoC… and that was back in the early 2000s.

As for requiring a full API, that is like submitting a resume. You are joining a corp, they dont want some “hanger ons” sitting around taking up assets and just being a leach on their profits. They dont need a miner when they are a PVP gank corp. And vise versa.

It sounds like to me you arent ready to come back to playing in a corp… so stay in the shallow end and stay with the NPC corp till you HTFU.

PVP corps will most likely require some form of out-of-game voice-comms. EVE provides in-game voice comms but if EVE crashes your comms also crash, which is a problem.

The API is also required by most corps because they want to check for spies. They want to see if what you said during the recruit interview matches your history of who you gave money and items to, and what alts you have that may be in other corps. It’s because it’s easy to infiltrate and steal assets or kill members once you’re in.

The rudeness, on the other hand, was IMO a sign of a bad corp. Most people recruit based on how they feel about you, so if you didn’t click with the recruiter and one other person, it’s likely you won’t click with that corp. So just move on, no sense trying.

Anyway, now you know what to expect and what to look for.

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Nobody has posted the eve recruitment meme yet? oh my stars and garters.

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The travesty of it all!

Good luck joining any real corp/alliance. Voice comms are pretty much mandatory everywhere, real time communication needs to happen. Text simply isn’t fast enough.

Regarding their curt answer, it is a simple question with an obvious answer. Not being able to put two and two together is not a good sign to a recruiter that you’re actually going to be useful to the corp.

Don’t assume everybody knows the use of coms in null.

I didn’t.

■■■■ can go down in any part of Eve, that’s part of the fun. Even if you’re a highsec miner.


You says the answer is obvious. You assume this is the case for everybody, which is definitely not true.

OP saw in the requirements that discord was required. OP asked “why do you require discord?”

OP obviously knows what discord is as he says as much in the OP. It’s a chatting utility. Obviously, the answer to his question is “to talk to people”. It isn’t rocket science.

More to the point, however, lets say you’re right and it isn’t obvious. It’s very likely that CEO had no use for someone who wouldn’t be able to put that together. Any competitive group will invariably lament a decision to bring in “the slow guy”.

Because someone doesn’t know something that you learnt, does not mean he is a slow guy. It only means he doesn’t know something that you learnt.

Though I use discord myself, I would not know why exactly this is required at a corp level. You have corp chat ingame, you can create corp chats, you can set a corp bulletin, and we use mumble. It’s a good thing to have access to the data out of the game, but this is definitely not mandatory (except some informations in PH are only provided through discord). So in horde, discord is not mandatory.

Maybe to yell at people who are caught with their pants down. :woman_shrugging:

Do you need discord to yell at them ?



EVE voice is going to get removed within a month. See: the launcher today.

I totally get what people are saying about comms & APIs, but as someone who is (& has been for some time) looking for a new corp I cannot understand why some people here are saying that recruitment channels are garbage.

Most corp adverts seem to suggest/require that you join their recruitment channel to ask questions about &/or get a “feel” for the corp. If these channels are “garbage” as suggested how does one get the necessary information to find a good corp?

Finding a long term “home” in this game is very frustrating. I’ve been in several corps (lo-sec only) & what is really sad is that each time I think that I’ve found a long term home, the corp falls apart. Maybe I’m just unlucky.

Ikr, I was expecting to see it in the first few replies when reading the OP and was shocked nobody posted it so far. Oh well here it is…


If you have to ask why Discord is necessary you’re really out of touch and corps probably won’t be that interested in you. You could have easily googled what Discord is and why it is so popular now. The types of people who expect the corp to wait on them hand and foot are not the types of people I would want to fly with. I have enough problems with defending carebears in corp to worry about particular snowflakes who want to use Skype or Mumble instead. Go right ahead and use the comms no one else in the corp currently uses…we’ll be right behind you.

I agree with you, man. ■■■■ Discord. Anyone who demands you install that spyware is not your friend, and certainly not a leader.

I’d follow Trump on Twitter before I followed some power tripping nobody into his Discord #EgoChat

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reason im in a 1 man corp, my internet can hardly do eve much less a chat program and eve on my phone connection, cant even log into eve on a 320 usd a month 1mb dsl line.

Which is literally full of spies…

The kind of spy who lights a cyno on top of a keepstar, thus destroying 3 supercaps ? :smiley: