And they are trying to RECRUIT people? Really?

yeh but its not an issue at all… lol

I don’t doubt that it is, but if one is looking for a corp who doesn’t demand to give you a colonoscopy in order to play a game, it’s an option.

I don’t really see how any largish or important corp (goons or whoever) can’t be full of spies. How would you keep them out? Anyone they’d want to recruit with lots of PvP and fleet experience and high skills and who has played for years no doubt has been in numerous corps over their Eve lifetime. Therefore they are potential spies. If they go the other route and let in newbros, they are all potential alpha alt spies.

I think the API key thing is too intruisive and over the top. I don’t like it. But, they can play the game the way they want, and I can play it the way I want. I accept that.


FREE > cheaper

API checks…

SPAI!!! :wink:


Walk me through it. Educate me. How does this accomplish anything?

  • Seems to me you could delete any incriminating stuff (emails, messages, whatever) before they check you.

  • Either way, if they find out you’ve been in rival corps… what player who has played Eve for years and has a bazillion SPs and flies capships and whatever else hasn’t been in a bunch of corps?

most potential spies create a toon on the same account as their main. Only real profesional ones dont.

Theres also stuff you cant delete like transactions and contract history.

You cant get rid of all spies, but you can certainly weed out all but the most determined.

Are they just trying to weed out high-ranking people in the orgs of other important corps (just an example - goons checking to make sure the CEO of PL isn’t applying to their corp)? I get how the API key mandate could accomplish that. But beyond that, it seems that all ‘desirable’ high SP players with fleet experience blah blah are potential spies, and if they eliminate all of them they’d be left with newbros and alphas as their pilots and corpmates.

theres other places to look, ‘eve who’ for example, employment histories, in smaller corps sometimes the recruiter will mail their last couple of ceo’s; if its an experienced pvper they usually get a vouch in but still have to provide api keys.
Corps in eve, the ones that arent full of spies, try to take as many measures as they can to prevent it - i mean you wouldnt want to join a corp where the guy next to you is likely to steal your stuff and blow you up would you?
Like i said its not impossible but it does take a concerted amount of effort to be an effective spy or corp theif unless the target corp doesnt do any checks, tell tale signs are folks asking for roles after a day or so in corp - or folks that are in and out of dif corps within a few days.
API checks have been used for null corps since at least 2009, pretty sure way before that too.

I guess I just don’t get it. As you said, professional spies aren’t gonna use an alt attached to their main. And anyone else that largish ‘important’ corps would want is a potential spy because they’ve probably been in lots of other corps, rival corps, etc.

the alt not attached to the main is the real pro one, cus its basically a whole account your gonna pay for and in most cases burn, so your gonna spend months infiltrating a corp, skill training and flying with the corp just to provide information and often take stuff.
People have spent over a year doing this before.

Right, but the API key thingie won’t stop that guy… right?

Seems like a more effective thing might be to loosen the API requirements to just merely join and participate in a corp, but have real tight requirements to get into the upper echelon of the organization - for instance corp roles, or even FCs for that matter.

doubtful, but not many people have that sort of patience and attention to detail.
check evewho, check character bazzarre… is he new toon with a lot of knowledge? you might be able to spot them but incredibly difficult.



I guess I will either stay in the npc corp or start a 1-man corp, then. It’s unfortunate that a lot of Eve players don’t realize that this is just a game. A diversion from the real difficulties of real life.

I’m sure all the big corps have spies in them anyway. The spy Cyno in 9-4RP2 is just one example

I was watching Rooks and Kings Clarion Call 4 the other day (again) and couldn’t help but laugh at how casually the narrator mentions having a spy alt in his enemies Corp. The part where he describes the moral quandary of being asked to go on a rescue mission to help the survivors of an attack that he personally had been responsible for is amusing to say the least.

The real threat comes from the ones you do trust, whose very modus operandi is to become trusted, to appear to be trustworthy in every way, sometimes for years. Who would appear to be squeeky clean no matter how closely you looked at their API info.

EVE is legendary for massive betrayals that destroy Corps and Alliances from within.

API strikes me as some kind of horrible paranoid delusional ego driven power trip thing akin to believing that as long as you pull the bed covers over you the monsters under the bed can’t get you.


2 things

1, discord aids in communication both synchronous and asynchronous
2, don’t join that corp. if you do not like a tinpot dictator why would you join


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Totally this.

Hence why I asked about the spys we have who may light a cyno on a keepstar ^^

PH is well-known for having spys.
Other corps are well-known for having effective spys.

So, yeah, API does not prevent spy, it gives you the illusion you can prevent them but …
On another hand, using API you can know what activities are the players doing (you have stats call), so you can decide which toon you give access to what part of the corp.

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You could get to distrusting someone who is too squeaky clean.

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and who knows too much lol
Currently there is no real way of ousting a determined effective spy and tbvh im cool with that, it takes a lot of thought and effort and you’ll likely rarely have more than one or two (depending on size of corp/alliance); what i wouldnt want is a corp or alliance filled with a ton of random spies so i will often want an api, if only to put off cheap scrub lazy spies.

I suppose in a way i feel that having a crappy spy in corp doesnt really add to the game or make it particularly interesting, a bit like killing nubs in cistuvaart with an orthrus; way too easy and not at all fun.