Just feels to me like this recent event has everyone in authority feeling they need to all of a sudden be a Justice warrior and prove their stance. -_- kinda cheesy.
I really do hope people actually get in trouble for report abuse. On all accounts of that player.
ISD have better things to do than deal with toddlers.
The expression you are looking for is: virtue signalling
Here’s a question worth considering.
Are ‘toxic’ games more enjoyable?
There seems to be a pattern of games being popular, full of so-called ‘griefers’, and then they “clean up” the community and the game dies. It’s almost like people enjoy trash talking each other while having fun playing a game, and attempts to censor the players is the death of the game. Is trash talk actually a bad thing?
Is ‘griefing’ actually fun gameplay?
Fair question, I used to play a game called Empyrion there was this group called SWP a group of russian players who would go and relentlessly destroy everyones bases, they would say very little in local and built up a terrible reputation.
But they brought a spice to the game that made it very dangerous and enjoyable to everyone else even if they realized it or not.
Constnatly pushing boundries and playing on the edge of exploitation they eventually got them selves banned but what happend was when they where removed from the game everyone else just got bored.
There was no more danger instead of your base living for 3 days it would stay alive for weeks and the population died out pretty quickly after that.
I think deep down everyone enjoys a good villain as long as it doesn’t creep over into real life.
Though there is a difference between fun banter and real-life threats or harassing someone over their beliefs or whatever.
Unfortunately a lot of people take themselves so seriously that to them there is no difference between the two and are personally offended when you even just shoot the rats they shot sooner as if in an open competition game they are entitled to the NPCs they visited first.
just another day in eve online
Personally I’m giving CCP the benefit of the doubt until next Fanfest.
I know that many people were disapointed by the lack of anything ‘big’ announced at the last fanfest, but at the very least what they did announce sounded feasible and realistic.
If however by the time we get to next fanfest very little has been delivered … well …
Are we talking about content updates slash nerfs that were not announced at FF? What’s the topic here?
So any news on the Content updates, next month, next year, in the year 2525 …
Oh did they, forget already …
My understanding is they are developing the foundations, eliminating old CODE. and rewriting it. If that is the case, you won’t see many changes at all, but after a year or two it will allow for them to expand and modernize the game.
None of this justifies an increase to the subscription fee.
Yea It does feel like that.
It’s annoying for sure in the short turn but will have a greater impact over the long term.
Can a sports car even reach full speed before hitting the end of the road thou? Iceland isn’t exactly known for its sprawling population xD
Dunno, maybe you should ask Hilmar himself.
There’s really no excuse whatever. Aiko could gank me 1000 times and get a ‘good fight’ every time because that is how civilised people play games. There’s no place at all for real life threats or foul language to that extent in Eve.
For sure but you where probably born before 2000’s. Kid’s these days make 0 sense to me.
Had a guy go off on me in local for killing his ishtar like it was his life savings of 20 years going down the drain or something.
Well, how about we wait until the first time you get ganked before declaring how acceptable you find it?
More to the point, how about we wait until you lose over a billion in a gank, and then see?
It was always like this. At least ever since I started in 2016. Some peoples doesn’t take losing well. They are mad angry and toxic.
Ever since I started ganking I witnessed from my victims:
- why? posts, after which when I wrote “because I can” they moved their response to 2,3,4,5 and 6
- swearing, toxicity
- real life threats, to me and/or my family
- mocking: deligimating their loss by the fact that I am not real PvPer but just noob who can’t do real PvP and thus must kill defenseless miners/pvers/haulers/whatever
- spamming the email, or convo attempt with 2 or 3
- creating an alt (on alpha account ever since they were allowed) with name like Aiko Danuja Fu****, Aiko Danuja Garbage etc. at the very least the alts with verbals are renamed by CCP when you report it
However, yesterday I encountered something new. The guy I ganked begged me to give him his stuff back (which I didn’t get unfortunately because I am alpha so some ninja looter got his payday yesterday as he dropped almost 1b in blueprints) claiming he just returned to the game, has a history with those blueprints and claiming they were his dead wife. Now. I am not saying it cannot be true, but considering what I read on forum it seems to me as a new strategy to somehow extort gankers linking their loss to someone who passed away in real life. Even if this was true, I find this really sick and extremely wrong.
Do you maybe want to edit the names you posted using that forum alt?