Lol. First of all, this doesn’t happen to us because we know how ganking works thus we are never ganked in first place. Many of us were ganked in the beginning and look where we are now.
When I was first ganked as new player I still remember it how I felt.
At first I was wtf? Because at that time I didn’t know it can be done. Then I was mad because I figured out it was multiboxer who killed me - Jason Kusion using 10 alts. In 2016 when there was no alpha yet, multiboxing wasn’t that prevalent yet and I found this highly unfair. So yes I actually raised a ticket against him. Was responded it is perfectly within rules so I moved on and I set my goal to revenge. I certainly didn’t send him emails with verbals, didn’t make Jason Kusion Garbage alts and didn’t come to forum whine how is ganking unfair and it should be nerfed. I started getting better in game and eventually when I got some skillpoints and characters and second account, I started to “anti-gank” him and eventually I finally was successful and killed his loot alt including his pod. (By sheer luck to add as he lost track of that account likely and was afk with suspect on gate, anytime he was actually active he outplayed me with bumper alt, or even suiciede ganking my tackle… he was real pro I have to admit that). Then I became ganker myself. That is my story.
I understand that peoples are angry because they lost (stuff). I understand that some of them have a need to express their rage with verbals into local/email. And if they do it I let it slide and just close to conversation/block them. But enough is enough.