When I got an escalation from Guristas Refuge combat site there was a message
Your scanner has picked up a transmission originating from a nearby system. It would be wise to investigate this mysterious signal further.
Given the originating system is light years away, I don’t see a point in such a transmission. It would take years to arrive and chances are the Guristas Refuge base simply didn’t exist back then. Also, it is unlikely to be omni-directional as pirates would not advertise their base to the whole world by a broadcast.
The best idea I came up with is described in my blog post: Guristas invented a micro-jump gate which is strong enough to send a short radio transmission to another system. Given the extremely small amount of matter/energy transferred through the gate, it does not require much power to maintain the warp tunnel. Once it is established, the compressed information will be sent in a split second after which the tunnel collapses.
In this particular case, it all fits nicely into the escalation to Guristas Scout Outpost whose main feature is Radiating Telescope. That telescope may contain the tunnel generator used for transmissions.
Are there any better explanations?
Did you ever wonder how your capsuleers’ conciousness can be transmitted into a new clone in a medical bay on the other end of New Eden in a matter of seconds every time your capsuleer’s physical body is terminated, despite Information not being able to cover that distance in such a short time?
Did you ever wonder how your fleet chat allows you to interactively exchange messages with capsuleers lights years away from you?
Did you ever wonder how you receive the information your order at the market was completed, along with your funds, within an instance despite being on the other end of new eden?
The farther you dig into the myths about the Galentean scientist called Li Azbel, his research on superfluid helium routing, the affiliation of the CONCORD group with the implementation of his Faster Than Light Communication Theorem, and more importantly CONCORD losing their grasp on superfluid routing technology, and why “conspiracy theorists” within the empires want to reduce competences of CONCORD, the more it unravels that the entity naive capsuleers consider to be the space police force is in fact the most criminal entity of New Eden, and all you were ever told by them and their minions was a lie.
Now stop asking questions and go back into the ore anomaly, miner.
FTL comms being what they are, the more logical outcome is that the signal was received by the local FTL router and broadcast in the immediate local volume or scraped from the local guristas datanet
It would be a reasonable explanation but there are a couple of things that do not add up. Firstly, the escalation message said that the transmission was originating from a nearby system. If it was coming from a local relay then it would not be possible to identify its origin. Secondly, the message stated that it was a scanner that picked up the transmission. The scanner’s function is to determine the location of the signal’s transmitter. Therefore, even if the message contained exact coordinates of the sender, it is unlikely that any content of the transmission was recorded and interpreted, and I expect it to be encrypted anyway.
And in your (kinda entirely baseless) hypothesis the transmission would just point to the tiny jump gate lol
Its clearly not just going off the direction of a signal here, fluid routers enable FTL data transfer but local transmissions where the latency isnt extreme are also used, (like a router in the combat site transmitting within the local grid or complex)
Transmissions would in all likelihood have plenty of tags to trace where they got transmitted from. Fluid routers dont send signals for FTL communication, they are synced up across an entire network using quantum entangled helium atoms. Unless routers are rigged to self destruct after any exchange (which would be stupid expensive and impractical for day-to-day operations) there would be logs to try and follow.
Scanners can be used to intercept all sorts of signals. Its not exclusively about location or anything.
Unlikely relative to what? Decryptions can be cracked (especially when quantum processors are just a ubiquitous piece of tech in New Eden) and passive signal scanning and recording would be something that is just smart to do when in a pirate complex.
And even then, escalation chains can fail midway through completely by chance, so its not like its perfect either.
It seems to me like you are trying to inject some new thing (transmission micro jump gates) in the setting to solve a problem (FTL communication) that already has a very widely used and known solution (fluid routers)