Another returning player looking for a new home

Welcome back, Mezzo, I’m Cephelange, or Ceph (“Seff”), lead recruiter for Aegis Reforged.

To hopefully assuage your schedule concerns: we have no specific activity requirements. We strive for a corp environment that has you motivated to log in and play, not to feel as if it’s mandatory. The main thing we ask is that if you know you’ll be away for an extended period of time, that you let us know in advance.

We’re part of the Already Replaced alliance, which, in turn, is part of the FI.RE coalition. Based in the Immensea region, we have plenty of activity, whether it’s PvP, PvE, mining, or manufacturing. There are typically multiple operations per week, if not daily. Our corp has at least one moon of our own to mine, if that has any appeal to you.

If this sounds even a little bit appealing to you, please check out our recruiting post for more details, including how to contact us if you’re interested.

I do wish you success in your search.