Antony and Sons Recruiting
Antony and Sons is a multifaceted corporation, recruiting capsuleers of all knowledge and skill levels to bring together a casual lowsec alliance with two main arms; a devoted corps of pirates and pvp roamers side by side with a more laid back echelon of industrialists and miners. We plan to become as self-sufficient as possible in our lowsec pocket.
Our corporation formed out of the anguish that came from Corporations that take themselves way too seriously. Therefore, we promoted a litany of activities for members old and new:
Low sec gangs
Piracy runs for fun and profit
Corp Mining ops
Research and industry to build our own materials
Alliance backed for maximum bromance
Drunk black ops runs? (Beer Blops? WIP)
We are, as I mentioned, in a moderately sized alliance. This means risk remains low while fun and profit can be maximised.
Send me a message on discord to join. Let’s get this bread, boys.