Any channels for hiring suicide gankers?

Does anyone know of any in-game channels that I can use to find suicide gankers for hire?


The fine people at the New Order of Highsec will be happy to speak with you. :wink:

Shoot me an in game mail with contract. I have started in the ye old ganking trade now too.

nah they suck, every time you tell them they dont want to go out of their way even for isk if you have a area of specific targets, they just tell you to do it yourself. so id hardly call them for hire. just a bunch of people throw money at them for them to gank non specific targets of whatever they can get their hands on.

Make alts and do it yourself

Ohhh, so you offered a pitiful amount of ISK. Okay, makes sense.

It takes a good sum of money to actually hire others in this game, just FYI.

I’ve personally moved my operation before because someone paid me ( a non-pitiful amount).

I suggest you send 10 million isk to James 315.

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