Any details on the new excel integration?

Since I have not found any similar threads and couldn’t get help anywhere else I have decided to come here for help.

Since I have the original Excel 2021 I thought I’d give the Excel Add-In a try.
I followed all the instructions and downloaded CCP’s workbook sample, downloaded the add-in, logged in and authorized my character, but data just won’t load. Upon restarting the file I do get a notification - “Add-in error. We can’t start this add-in because it isn’t set up properly”. So what else should I do to set it up properly?
After hours of frustration, restarting, redownloading, trying to set up my own spreadsheet where the data just won’t load and the outcome is always the same I have decided to try the online version. Again, here the data just won’t load and after some time I am getting an error with a very lengthy ID that just doesn’t explain anything. And here the result is the same for both of my computers.

If there is someone capable and willing to help me I will be more than happy to cooperate. Can be both on discord or here on the forums. Feel free to ask for any screenshots, or any questions at all- I will provide it.

i cant get it working either it just says #Value!

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You should post whatever info on that error you have and maybe @Hundasuupa, the Dev working on the EVE Online Excel Add-in and the next update (soonTM), could figure it out :thinking:

And here is the main thread (player originated) for actually discussing any issues or hints

Maybe @ISD_Traindriver should merge them together?

i got it working but only in office 365 which is a shame as i have office 2021

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Merged another Thread in here.

You can come to us in #spreadsheets on Discord and I can take a look with you.

“Add-in error. We can’t start this add-in because it isn’t set up properly”
This looks like an issue with the template sheet once the user install the official addon, since the template used a copy of the official one before it was release the workbook might be loaded with 2 duplicate add-ins and show that error on every load. A user was able to copy the sheets into a fresh sheet with just the official one and have it work after removing external references.

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V1.1 has been pushed to the production servers.
To obtain the update right away you can hit CTRL+F5 in the taskpanel to refetch new content.
It’s probably needed to go to My Add-ins and hitting refresh for Excel to relink the updated function information to the functions. Once the app store version get updated the add-in should automatically fetch this new version and load it properly, so this is more of a way to get it right away.

New endpoint

  • Character_LP endpoint added into CHARACTER_LP(character_id_or_entity)

Data changes

  • INVENTORYSEARCH, GROUP, CATEGORY now uses SDE data instead of ESI
  • CHARACTER_SKILLS now outputs an “Unallocated SP” item to expose that data from the endpoint.
  • MARKET_ORDERS functions now include a data_updated date field for each item.
  • CHARACTER_BLUEPRINTS and CORPORATION_BLUEPRINTS now include a “blueprint_data” field with the relevant blueprint information.

New parameters

  • CHARACTER_SKILLS now has an optional search_string parameter
  • Character and Corporation INDUSTRY_JOBS now has an optional status_filter parameter
  • Character and Corporation BLUEPRINTS now has an optional search_string parameter
  • MARKET_ORDERS and MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING now has an optional sell_buy_only_boolean parameter to filter by sell/buy.
  • MARKET_ORDERS and MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING now has an optional location_id parameter to allow easier filter by station/structure id
  • Character and Corporation ASSETS now has an optional location_filter parameter that will pre-filter the data by matching or to the input.
  • Character and Corporation ASSETS now has an optional page filter to paginate results to 1000 per page while still resolving all assets first and obtaining a resolved final_location and location where possible.

UI fixes/changes

  • Fixed duplicated CHARACTER in the try it out for Implants and Fittings calls.
  • Reworded requirements on corporation functions in the list to better reflect the required roles.
  • Character_Lp try it out now added to the sidebar list.
  • Moved INVENTORYSEARCH to the public category.
  • The sidebar will now properly detect if the ExcelApi is not in the minimun required version.

Bug fixes and other changes.

  • Improved multipage endpoint error handling.
  • Removal of unneccesary structure calls for corporation location resolution.
  • MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING now properly supports a type_id_or_entity input as it’s type parameters like MARKET_ORDERS offers.
  • Categories more reliably return their respective group.
  • Groups more reliable return their respective types.
  • Corporation and character contracts logic bug in naming output fixed that was preventing output.
  • Throttling improved to better support larger sheets with multiple streaming functions.

Thanks for the update with such a bunch of QoL and fixes :slight_smile:

I can see new function signatures, but version number displayed has not changed which may be confusing :thinking:

Quick test


Returns all skills no matter the search string :confused: aka it is not working unfortunately,
has also quick checked the character_blueprint new search param and it neither works for me

Strange, so the updated function.json was loaded but not the function.js which runs it. Shame it’s so messy to get updates without an appstore update. I’d try CTRL+F5’ing again and maybe DevTool via Right-Click inspect and hitting “Disable cache” to try and get it to refresh.

(and re-enabling the cache after you have it ofc)


Ok, after Attach Debbuger and Ctrl+F5 in Network tab the add-in updated itself completely and shows v1.1 now on its panel.

…but MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING shows #BUSY! ad infinitum.
It works in new workbook. Does this mean I need to start from scratch after every add-in update :thinking:

MARKET_ORDERS works just fine in old workbook, even with Sell/Buy only bool flag. But it may be that because I had used it for the first time in that old workbook just for the purpose of checking if it works.

BTW, how do you make it refresh manually? Does Formulas → Calculate Now (or pressing F9) should trigger market data refresh for not streaming version? Or should I use Data → Refresh All? Because neither option seems to do this. Only entering edit mode and pressing Enter seems to work :thinking:



(where cell J17 contains character entity) works in the new and old workbooks as well

I managed to make MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING formula work in my old workbook by changing which signature I use like that:


notice two empty semicolons
Cell A1 contains inventory id returned by =EVEONLINE.INVENTORYSEARCH("PLEX";TRUE).id
Cell A2 contains region entity returned by =TRANSPOSE(EVEONLINE.SEARCHREGION())
So it is a matter of stored function reference from the previous version of add-in :confused:
Any way to refresh that? Other functions refreshed themselves and are working just fine.

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This spreadsheet is very complicated!

trying to workout how to get your character current location or do a sum to get the total worth of your assets is very difficult.

There needs to be more examples of the scripts, you would of thought they would list some useful examples!

So far i have the following working in my spreadsheet -

Character Name, DOB, Character ID, Corporation Name, Total Wallet, Current Skill Points

Anybody got some examples i can use???

I think there might be an error in MARKET_ORDERS and MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING. It shows nothing when there is exactly only one market order for a given inventory type.

As an example to test it is one sell order in Tash-Murkon region for Warclone Blanks (yeah I know, i know :blush:, booooring )

You should see this order after entering this formula


and it shows no (#N/A) orders.

And here is a regional market window screenshot of that order from the game client.

It is very rare for this situation to see in the market - there is almost always no orders or more than one.

I wouldn’t notice it if I wasn’t cross-checking my Exceladin+ workbook for Warclone Blanks sell orders with EVEMarketer :thinking:

Could really do with a separate forum for the excel stuff. It would be useful to find everything excel related under one sub category, rather than having to trawl through multiple sections to find info.


Has anybody got any examples of a spreadsheet they created?

Would love to see an ice market and plex market in the spreadsheet!

It will be tricky to share example workbooks, which deal with character data because some entity data are stored in the workbook. Even with some example alpha char it could go sideways :confused: People must be cautious what they share to not expose themselves. EVE is a game of cloaks and daggers :stuck_out_tongue: and the Exceladin+ has become a weapon in that game.

It would be much safer to just post some easy to follow step by step instructions to create such workbook manually. I’ll show you what I mean in the following paragraphs :slight_smile:

First let’s assume You have followed the official manual on installing Exceladin+ (a pet name I coined for EVE Online Excell Add-in :wink: it is a pun to Quafe+ a highly addictive drink as extensive use of Exceladin+ is too highly addictive and fun and I wonder what controversial ingredients are in it hehe)

Now let’s find the cheapest deal on PLEX now :see_no_evil:

  1. Enter this formula in cell B1:

this will generate a row with region names (precisely this are more complex data or entities) spread over columns B1:DH1

  1. Enter this in cell A2:

this will display lowest price and greater than 0 (in a while)

  1. Enter this in cell B3:

this will display sell prices for PLEX in Derelik region. Or #FIELD! error if there are no orders. It’s ok. The ;FALSE; part indicates we want Sell only offers. Change it to ;TRUE; to get Buy only offers.

  1. Copy cell B3 (or if you prefer just drag it with your mouse) along the row 3 all the way into cells C3:DH3
    this will display sell prices for PLEX in other regions. It may taka a while for formulas to fetch data, don’t panic yet (if they show no data after a few minutes there must be something wrong with add-in installation). Almost there.

  2. enter this formula in cell B2


this will display lowest price, greater than 1 million ISK for a given region. IFERROR is in case there are no offers in a region, so a reference to .price throws error (see step 4.).

  1. Enter this formula to search for the region with the lowest price

Now cell A2 should show you that lowest PLEX price and cell A3 will show first region name matching that lowest price

You can bolden cells in row 2 to make them more visible.

If you would like to just browse the sell orders, remove “.price” from the end of the formulas in cells B3:DH3

You should end up with something like this

Warning: there are two errors I have noticed until now in MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING. One is that it shows no orders if there is only one offer in the market, and another is it sometimes shows Buy & Sell offers after it refreshes automatically after 5 minutes, despite providing the parameter for Sell only - second ;FALSE; parameter. Strangely enough it happens only in the B column for me :thinking: To correct this, enter formula edit mode and press enter to force refresh.

I hope you will find it useful.

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I’ll check this, was the output as expected when you omitted the last ;; for blanks? i.e. just standard(regionid;typeid) might be a reference error where the logic written isn’t validating empty parameters smart enough for what excel sends in.

I’ll also check the refresh showing buy/sell, this is most likely cache bleeding through or not being grabbed by the filters properly. The market_streaming uses some fancy logic to populate all the relevant fields with the same regionId, Typeid since they share the core data.

edit: bug confirmed in _STREAMING, investigating and checking for the trigger for it and deploying a fix when it’s fixed. Only happens on the 5 minute timer so it’s easily missed.
Back to the ugly is_buy_order filtering is needed for v1.1 in streaming :frowning:

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i cant get that working it does not like this script


This bit works so it must be the inventory search which does not work


What happens when you use this formula?


It should return id for PLEX

Try replacing semicolon with list separator set in Regional settings
quicktest replace semicolons in my example with commas :rofl:

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No, and neither MARKET_ORDERS or MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING show this specific market order for Warclone Blanks in Tash-Murkon region. And the sole market order is still active as of now.

v1.1.1 with a hotfix for the MARKET_ORDERS_STREAMING has been pushed to production and is now available to the add-in.

The flow of the auto update code included a trigger that registered a “ghost” data feed that didn’t include the parameters of the cell being targeted. It still worked if the user had only used the parameter version so it was hard to trigger.
STREAMING now auto-updates withing it’s own scopes of their parameters and only accept proper feeds of data, while re-using cached data if withing the 5 minute window of a call using the same regionID and typeID. There might be a ghost variable left over that increases resource usage of the sheet, but that’s being looked into.

This update won’t apply automatically as it’s only updating the HTML/JS so it’ll in most cases require a cache clear to be active. CTRL+F5 etc. New installs should fetch the v1.1.1 by default.

As soon as the v1.1.1 is visible in your taskpane it means you should have the sufficient Javascript loaded to have a working version.
(Tested for couple of hours to ensure it works, but we might have some outliers, feel free to report them directly to discord as I watch that more closely)

Bonus: Added compatibility to throw in a system_id into the location_id parameter (just a simple OR statement, so should work for these ID’s in most if not all cases)

I’m investigation the Task-Murkon region and if I can find anything we’ll do another hotfix for it, just not as expedited I imagine as this is a needed QoL component we’re fixing now.