API check character-less account

Please what info you may get via API on an empty account,without any character on the account? May you find out when the account was created, if it was omega/alpha and such? If there was a characters created/deleted? Deleted character(s) name(s)?


you have not nodes for the non existent characters, only get info about expiration date but nmot fiable, paiduntil is the name i think, and somethig about niumber of logons and minutes logged

The /account/AccountStatus.xml.aspx XML API endpoint includes data such as:

  • Creation date
  • minutes/login count
  • paid until

However, it has been deprecated and unreliable since November of 2016.

In order to see a character’s creation date you would have to query the /char/CharacterSheet.xml.aspx endpoint.

You cannot see deleted characters in any API.
