In may not be. I often at the star B0 saw the spectral class F. Need to try F, you can weed out part
of my list, four stars have temperatures which round to 5700k, Gammel,Hostni, Nahyeen, Thebeka
trying now
EDIT: here u go
[[‘Alra’, ‘F0 V’], [‘Andrub’, ‘F5 VI’], [‘Assez’, ‘F1 V’], [‘Bahromab’, ‘F4 VI’], [‘Bantish’, ‘F2 V’], [‘Iderion’, ‘F0 V’], [‘Jarshitsan’, ‘F2 V’], [‘Jerma’, ‘F6 V’], [‘Judra’, ‘F1 VI’], [‘Nafrivik’, ‘F3 V’], [‘Polfaly’, ‘F0 V’], [‘Riavayed’, ‘F4 V’], [‘Shemah’, ‘F6 V’]]
guys looking at it i’m pretty sure DAZH CAT is the spectral class, or at least the part in roman numerals. or maybe not, but it does fit
EDIT: assuming that, here are the systems with that station present and a starr class VI
[[‘Andrub’, ‘F5 VI’], [‘Asrios’, ‘G1 VI’], [‘Bahromab’, ‘F4 VI’], [‘Hirizan’, ‘G9 VI’], [‘Judra’, ‘F1 VI’], [‘Kor-Azor Prime’, ‘G7 VI’], [‘Mendori’, ‘G6 VI’], [‘Nahyeen’, ‘G2 VI’], [‘Rashagh’, ‘G9 VI’]]
Based on Echelon’s list with the additional characteristic of Nation presence, Judra comes very very close. However, the lines are just a wee itsy bitsy bit off.
idk, think that might be it. I mean the rings and stations look very close, at least to me
edit - will try demonstrate with shitty photoshop
There are four rings that are almost an identical match. It is the closest system that I found (manually) joining your list against “region in (Derelik, Devoid, Domain, Tash Murkon).”
i think the trick is that the trig one is slightly more zoomed in
I was thinking that if the outermost ring were omitted, it would be extremely close - except I’m not sure about the gate. The inner rings are so tantalizingly close.
‘new users can only put 1 image per post’ smh what kinda bollocks is that
EDIT: unfortunately i can’t check for myself coz computer br0ke so i’ll just have to depend on the field scouting of others. I will admit its still shaky tho
Lol. There are always little obstacles.
I do think your zoom idea works pretty well. Unless the Nation presence is red herring, Judra does seem like a promising potential match.
which others also have sansha presence?
This is 5 star. Not 4(
do you mean the classification? if that was the case that implies the 2 videos show different systems even tho the map in them looks identical
This was my manual join. Abbreviation for region follows system name. The * indicate “close.” I may certainly have missed a couple.
Alra T
Bahromab Do
Bika Do
Charra Do
Eba Do
Etav Do
Fahruni Do
Gid Do
Halenan Dev
Hostni T
Ibash Dev
Jarshitsan Do
Jerma Do
*Judra T
Laddiaha Dev
Lisudeh Dev
Lossa T
*Mendori Dev
Mikhir Do
*Mili Dev
Nafrivik T
Narai Do
Pelkia Do
Remoriu T
Reyi Do
Sahda Do
Shuria Do
Taru T
Tew T
Thebeka Do
Ulerah Dev
Yanuel T
Yeeramoun Do
Ziona Do
Zith T
the one thing that irks me is that there are three clades (last I checked). do we not have a third video about this system?
Much more pressingly, both videos have the exact same system map image as far as I can see and yet both show different stars with different stats. Pretty sure there are no 2-star systems in EVE, right? something’s off