Are Diamond Rats Too Powerful?

Players might/will bump the orca but that not an ECM issue. That works exactly the same indeed.

They present a bigger challenge than normal rats, but are easily recognised and are not unstoppable. I say they’re fine.

see i disagree… i like having challenging NPC’s in hisec… i regularly hunt the autothysian lancers when i feel like it and take them down in a matter of minutes.

Not to be a jerk for the sake of it, but doesnt that mean they arent challenging?

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i’ve lost to the diamonds a time or two, but the lancers for me aren’t challenging, but then again if i see a tyranno, you can bet me and my raven are getting out of dodge lol

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I have an idea on why that is, I doubt others will agree.

Well, if you think about it, the whole implementation of that content is wrong. Just take a look at real life history, all invasions are done after a foothold is first established in secure locations to ensure their forces can be resupplied.

But yeah you’re right, discussion of that topic per immersion is better suited for another thread.

When you say new players, just exactly how new because most new players have a problem defeating Dagan in the level 1 SOE Epic Arc.

Sure, you’re a Veteran player with plenty of skills and equipment to engage with that content.

Now would you actively seek out and engage that content if those NPC’s were only located in Low Sec space?

Are you sure thats how NPC ECM works? I think that Caldari / Guristas npc’s that jam cause all your targets to drop, just like the old style ECM?

(I could be wrong as I am mostly winning Eve at the moment)

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I remember the last mission in the Caldari level 4 Epic Arc use to have a major problem with constant NPC ECM making it very hard to complete. Eventually CCP changed it so that only the NPC doing the actual ewar could be targeted.

Been quite a while since I’ve done the arcs so I don’t know how it is now.

they do cause all targets to drop, but you can retarget the one(s) that is(are) jamming you.

Not sure how NPC ECM on players works, but it does work as player (or drone) ECM on NPCs as I described.

I haven’t fought NPCs that use ECM to be able to tell you how that works.

No, they act like how player ECM now works. If you had already targeted the one(s) that applied the ECM you will keep them targeted or if you hadn’t you can then still target them during the ECM cycle.

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Thanks for the confirmation.

Reason. Farmed the Forward operating Bases on the regular for the minerals. Faster than mining. Way faster.

Source please?

Same troll making outlandish statements, on a different character. Just ignore.

Thats what I thought I’ll add it to the list of them.

I still like to poke them though, at least it lets other folk know that it is bullcrap.

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I would love to see what people are using to kill the diamond rats in null sec

That original iteration sounds like actually interesting and engaging gameplay. No wonder they didn’t add it.

Too many players cried over it. original design was pretty good especially the increasing strength and having fleets of diamond rats chewing up belts and entering peoples missions if you did not clear the FOB.

My corp is in high sec, I’m a new player (less than 2 months). I had an encounter with diamond rats yesterday, they warp scrambled my Retriever and withing a minute, destroyed it. I was able to salvage the fit, and insurance helped. My issue is this, I’m a new player. Encountering such a powerful opponent does not leave a pleasant taste in my mouth. I could even see the possibility that new players would actually quit the game because of such difficulties so early in the game. The thought crossed my mind for a brief moment. I am old, and stubborn though. I am enjoying this challenging game too much to quit if because I lost a ship. Other new players may not have the stubborn streak that I have.

In a game that has a waning player population, is it really a good idea to kill off new players?
I think not.