Deal with it or ask how to deal with it but whatever you do: stop whining.
If I where inclined to whine, I wouldn’t still be playing the game. I have already seen several players quit the game over this. Is that a good thing? Apparently it is to you. Deal with new player loss? Whatever you do, kill all the new players you can and run them off. You may grow from it, I doubt if the game will.
You are though. You’re somehow trying to blackmail the devs into “change it or I’ll quit” which is like super super beta. Yes it sucks to lose a ship to something you had no idea existed. But threatening with “change or I quit” is the behaviour of a 5 year old.
Learn how and why, ask around, adapt. Or don’t and quit.
The moral of the story is…never warp direct to an asteroid belt. The first time I go to a new belt I send a shuttle to have a look first. Then I save a location as far from the landing point as possible, but still within range of asteroids. Only then do I bring out the mining ship. Often I’m mining 90km or more from the landing point. This is also a good defence against other players who may want to destroy you. I’ve had gankers turn up…realise they are not going to cover 90km before I flee ( which I would do the minute they got any closer )…and leave.
In such a position, rats are unlikely to jump in right on top of you. Especially as the entire dynamic for most newly spawned rats is for them to ‘menace’ you for a bit first.
The point here is that I am NOT quitting, I am not threatening the devs with anything. Their actions have resulted in players quitting. That is the point. I just started this game. I’d like to see it grow. How you gonna grow a game when you run off new players? What don’t you get? Call me a whiner, call me whatever the hell you want. The fact remains.
Holding the hands of bad players isn’t going to help the game grow.
We already know that there are plenty of new players that aren’t quitting because they got blown up by diamond rats.
Learn and adapt like them, then teach others how to do the same.
That’s how this game is going grow.
Maybe I’m just nitpicking, but what you’ve said isn’t factual. You’re talking anecdotes.
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