with missiles or drones?
look out for javs! the 450 dps scares the hell out of me!
The only thing that scares me about a tengu is MAYBE cloaky RLML Tengu. The reload thoooooo.
I seem to be the only one who realized that you are talking about whether it is worth it to get the HAM to HAM specialization, i.e. the regular HAM to 5 so that you can fit Tech 2 HAMs.
The answer is Yes. It is worth it.
Hams deal significantly more damage, and at decent ranges. Around 20-25 km with decent skills, while dealing a lot more damage.
So yes, get it. It was one of the first missile skills i got when i started fitting HAM caracals and the sort.
People seem to be implying that HAMs apply less than HM, unless i’m mistaken they have a smaller sig radius and higher Explosion Velocity than HM so apply better is all situations. Add to that and extra 30% DPS and the only real downside is the 3X shorter range.
If you can fit them and manage your range effectively they are better.
T2 Ammo wise HAMs have much worse default application on the rage ammo variation than regular heavy missiles but make up for it with significantly higher DPS if you devote the fitting space to make them properly apply.
Yes, it’s always worth it to train because it gives you access to Tech 2.
Even if you don’t actually have a need to train it right now, it’s best to do it anyway. In the future if the need or desire to use them presents itself, you won’t have to wait for the skill to train.
Not really fair to compare Rage vs Faction, If you compare Rage to Fury the HAMs still have better application. Faction to Faction or T2 High DPS to High DPS the HAMs always have better application.
Hell even T2 HM precision has worse application that Faction with HAMs (but only by a tiny amount) but with 40% less DPS.
Its really all about the range, want Range at the expense of everything else go HM, otherwise go HAM.
After you take into account the missiles’ damage reduction Factor, heavies apply better to a wider range of targets than heavy assaults. Think of it like the rough equivalent of the missile’s “falloff” when it comes to application. Heavies have a better drf, so their damage drops off more slowly as the target’s speed goes higher than the ideal.
In short, ΗΑΜs may have a better expl radius and velocity than heavies do, but heavies are more forgiving when shooting hard-to-hit targets. It’s more important to slow down the target and/or bloom their sig for HAMS.
Large (insert type) Spec 5 is fun for Damage Competitions when you’re bored during incursions. But yeah, none of my toons have Spec 5 in anything else.
TBH…HAM 5 at one point when nothing else left could be something to put into the skill train. Hit level 4 and train other stuff easier, more vital and most likely universal. Like paint or skills for web.
HAMs as mentioned need web and/or paint. So some love in the ewar section might be needed if not there already. IMO really good paint skills are nice since universal. In case you go to another ship and missile type. Like say a cruise/torp boat or rocket/light spam in a frigate for whatever reason.
HAM tengu’s run in the past I stacked up paint bonuses. Max paint skills, RF paint…all those %'s to sig radius on target add up. Fit allows stuff like double paint. Some nice returns there as I recall.
I preferred paint to web for range. Ship bonuses and your skills depending you can get a longer reach on hams. Too long for even FN web unless boosted for range. But that’s me, sooner I am shooting sooner stuff is dying.
You’re and idiot.
Well done… you caught my fat-fingering.
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