Are Polygamous Marriages Recognised in your Culture?

Evolution may not have tiers, ratings, or levels of ascension but God has bestowed all those traits upon man, where nothing is anomalous in His light.

If thatā€™s the case, someone needs to fire their quality control department. Thereā€™s some design flaws in place thatā€™d cause bankruptcy in any other context.



Arguably, following the previous point, they are nonexistent.

ā€œLike all marriages: very poorly.ā€

Yes, thatā€™s it. I implied things stop evolving, by saying nothing ever stops evolving. :facepalm:

That may have been your intent, but you said weā€™re more evolved. We are not. Are are no more or evolved than anything else.

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Oh. I had no idea that were as evolutionary advanced as, oh, letā€™s say, some sort of prokaryotic bacteria, dug out of a glacier thatā€™s estimated to be 4 to 5 million years old.

Golly, I guess our cognitive functions are the same as a one celled organism that lacks a nuclear envelope, Golgi apparatus. Hell even a symbolic relationship with mitochondria, which was an evolutionary adaptation for survival by some eukaryotic cells. But since Iā€™m not a self proclaimed expert in literally everything (like some people) Iā€™ll just have to take your word for it.

Arrendis is being kinda Arrendis, Mr. Thorne, but sheā€™s maybe not quite wrong, either. Some life forms are more genetically and structurally complex; others, less-so. But itā€™s a romantic notion that evolution is something that goes ā€œup,ā€ or that being more complicated is necessarily better.

Which is ā€œmore evolvedā€: a super-complex, highly-specialized creature that has developed an elaborate symbiosis with a certain plant of which there are five still existing in the universe (oops, make that four; might be down to three next week); or, a stolid generalist predator thatā€™s so good at what it does that itā€™s stayed its numerous, relatively-simple self for geological ages?

Evolution doesnā€™t go ā€œup.ā€ It doesnā€™t even always go towards greater complexity. Some of the simple stuff you seem to kinda sneer at is likely to survive even if humanity manages to glass itself (now that would be an evolutionary event for the ages! An ecological hard-reset across the light years).

Evolution just goes forward, without purpose, without goal, without desire. Itā€™s a phenomenon, not a race.

It just ā€œis.ā€

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I didnā€™t say it did.



It moves forward with a unknowing purpose to survive. Those species that fail to survive, die out, no longer evolve.

It involves many races. Billions upon billions.

Iā€™m not quite willing to ascribe purpose to a mindless process, especially since its mechanisms generate vast numbers of meaningless or harmful changes for every beneficial one. Though maybe if you believe in the Makerā€¦?

Otherwise, I think anything weā€™d call ā€œpurposeā€ is something we super-complicated horror shows impose on it.

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I guess thatā€™s true. Purpose does imply, some sort of intent based on intelligence. So, I would agree with you.

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Something you said earlier that I, also, agree with ā€¦

But polyamorous and open relationships for the sake satiating oneā€™s own sexual apatite, oftentimes wrapped in a thin wrapper of ā€œlove is love, and I love many peopleā€ is justā€¦.Ick.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d go quite so far-- Iā€™ve known a few people who seemed to prefer that way of approaching things. I guess I kind of feel like itā€™s troubling, but at the same time I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m someone who should be going around judging people.

People can live how they choose. But I donā€™t want to share a partner, with anyone. Thereā€™s more to love than enjoying one anotherā€™s physical presence (or the various things ā€œphysical presenceā€ might be euphemistic for), and being bound into a whole network rather than being mutually entangled with a single other seems like a difficult basis on which to build the kind of deep trust and relatively uncomplicated affection and support Iā€™d be looking for.

I donā€™t want to conclude harsh things about people just for that reason. I think itā€™s really, emphatically not for me though.

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Polygamy quickly defaults to polygny and causes societal instability.

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Being as evolved doesnā€™t mean we have the same capabilities, and nothing of the sort was even put forth. Youā€™re intentionally misrepresenting things in an attempt to argue against a strawman while simultaneously presenting an inverted appeal to authority. Cut the crap.

Yes, you are just as evolved as a single-celled prokaryote. Let me drop you in the environment theyā€™ve evolved to survive in, and give you the same rate of energy (chemical and thermal) input, in the same manner as one of them needs, and weā€™ll see if you survive as long as they do. Somehow, I doubt it.

Different capabilities for different niches.


Same rate of energy? How would that work? Iā€™m a multicellular organism and the prokaryote is singular. This false equivalency and you know it.

And, yet, I do share the same environment with many prokaryotes, that live in the dirt, and on surfaces of stuff, and I seem to be surviving just fine. Or are you collapsing extremophiles with all prokaryotes?

Has anyone else noted, and found it strange, that humans do not share a common ancestor with any life forms in the cluster, save for a few select species that we live intimately with (dogs, cows, wheat, rice, etc)? Very strange indeed.

I donā€™t know that Iā€™d call literally everything we can eat ā€˜a few select speciesā€™. Itā€™s not like humanity is native to New Eden. After all, the Amarr have records going back to pre-Dark Ages dating and the closure of the EVE Gate.

So, no, I donā€™t think itā€™s particularly odd that we donā€™t share a common ancestor with the microbial mats we find on thousands of different planets across the culture. If anything, Iā€™d say the stranger scenario is having humanity on so many worlds before the (re-)development of space flight.

(moving to off-topic, cuz it is)


It is outright perversion and such marriages have no legal basis.

Legal rules for marriage stem from purpose of this institution - a cooperation between one male and one female for purpose of creating children and upbringing them. (For this cooperation male and female participants are carefully selected to Fit each other by social, physiological and other criteria).

Marriage contracts signed with violation of this are considered legally void.

A family is a cell of a society, its building block. If you alllow a corruption in basic building blocks of your society, your whole society will rot.

So, tell me please, how having multiple partners in legal sense is any better than procreating indiscriminately like some sort of wild animals or gallentes (which are almost the same)?


Straightforward as has been answered by many compatriots of the State within this thread, resoundingly ā€˜noā€™. They are not allowed in the sense they are not legally recognized. As for a ā€˜similar arrangementā€™ with polyamory, while I could see the possibility of such a situation potentially unfolding in oneā€™s private life it seems that it would be exceedingly uncommon and while not wholesale disallowed it would run rather heavily counter to the vast majority of Caldari cultural patterns.

As for the Achuran, it is certainly allowed though not exactly common. I can not say I have ever been in a relationship involving more than one significant other ( while I would not necessarily be opposed to such circumstances they have only once had the opportunity to blossom and I chose simply not to pursue the possibility ) I value my own company too greatly and with even one partner I desire to spend most of my time aloneā€¦that said I envision it would work as any other does, friendships or otherwise. Valuing the time spent with those others and finding ways to ensure that was known and well communicated. It would mean creating space to listen to each other and navigate through emotions positive and negative.

The short answer is ā€œNo.ā€

The long answer is that if you want to get married, you inform a corporate marriage arrangement agency, who will then attempt to find a match for you which ticks the following boxes:

  • Opposite sex, because otherwise you can not have children, which defeats the point.
  • Same ethnicity, on account of heritage preservation.
  • Similar physical appearance, on account of heritage preservation.
  • Similar personality, because if people canā€™t get along, this may result in a divorce.
  • Similar socio-economic bracket, because when one part of a marriage has a significantly higher net worth, it can lead to friction due to an unequal balance of power.

This works for us because it conforms to our traditions. I can not guarantee that it would work for the polity you mentioned. In general I would suggest only making drastic changes to the way such matters are handled when it is absolutely necessary.


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