We are a small growing corporation, part of Regnum Astera alliance in Phoenix coalition.
We offer u :
-several systems for ratting and mining upgrade
-Isogen upgrade system
-Permanent Ice belt
-Mercoxit mining
-Gass mining
Full industry setups ( reactions, reproces, build ) all 0% tax
Mining have 0% tax exept gas mining 5%( This tax goes to alliance for SRP)
Ratting 5% tax (Tax goes to alliance for SRP)
All planetary industry have 0% tax
We have corporation jumpfreigther service
All systems have docking stations
We espect from u:
-at least 2 CTA fleets per mount ( ALL ships for cta and home defend are full SRP from alliance)
-Willing to learn the doctorin fits from alliance
Our corporation is mostly focused on mining and industry but we accept PVP focused members too…
For more information please contact AllienPimp in game or let a msg here so we can talk more about. Fly safe