Are Wardecs always going to be broken? Is a fix even possible?

I have the solution…

  1. Scrap the binary ‘war eligibility’ ( on of off ) flag entirely.
  2. Introduce a sliding scale of factors that make a corp more, or less, eligible for both being able to attack and for being able to do the attacking. Two separate scales.

Defender Scale :-

  1. To be eligible for attack a corp must be over a certain size
  2. Members who swap to another corp if condition (1) is met are still eligible up to a week after the swap. This prevents corps simply temporarily reducing member count to avoid the size limit.
  3. Structures are only eligible if the corp has more than 50 members…and again rule (2) applies.

Attacker Scale…

  1. Attacking corps can be any size…BUT…declaring conflict results in a 15 minute suspect flag in highsec that anyone can respond to. This opens up highsec wardeccers to being attacked by absolutely anyone in highsec.
  2. The usual 3 minute engagement timer also applies.
  3. If more than a specific number of members from another corp attack the wardeccing corp, then that corp itself becomes war eligible. So the advantage of (1) needs to be applied very carefully.

The great thing about the above is that it is self limiting, yet equally could result in an all-out war cascade.

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