Are Wardecs always going to be broken? Is a fix even possible?

I wholeheartedly agree.

  • Structures should require Empire Standing for the corp anchoring them. Maybe not 7.0, but some. In times of Epic Arcs (selectable Standing boost, easily sharable) and by using the anchient “Data Center” tag trades, it is pretty easy to push a member that you really want to have in the corp over the limit needed)
  • Citadels and POCOs also should require Starbase Charters, explained often enough why (POCO empires in the hand of Altcorps protected by blob alliances).

Member shuffeling during war and altcorp abuse:
Needs to be adressed.

  • a corp that has declared a war (offensive) should not be able to take in any members until all offensive wars are over
  • members trying to leave a corp that has declared a war (offensive) can only leave into an NPC corp, but not another player corp for at least 14 days (7days standard war duration + 7days grace period)
  • structures’ services cannot be ‘rented’ to corps who have declared offensive wars, means all access given through access lists is suspended until all offensive wars are over, they cannot use other capsuleer-owned stations, only their own and NPC-stations.